First off, the bad news... I took a look at your file, and I was able to recover some of the animation, but sadly not all of it by far. You're probably better off redoing the animation.
Now I'm going to try to explain what the issue is and how I recovered the Animation that I could...
If you check off the box "Show DAG objects only" in your Outliners "Display Menu", you'll be able to see your Animation curves.
Everything with this red and white icon next to it, is an Animation curve. As you can see, there are some duplicates (every node that ends with "1"). I don't know how you did that, but because of those duplicates, the Reference has now miss connected the animation paths of all animation curves.
Now to how you can recover some of the Animation:
First off, I deleted the duplicates. The easiest way to do that is, to select all animationcurves in the Outliner, then open the Node editor, and then hitting the "Output Connections" button (small gray square with arrow facing right).
This will load in all your animation curves and display the objects they are connected to.
Then you can delete all objects in the Node editor that don't connect to anything.
Next i deleted all incomming connections on the Reference Node (just the connections, not the nodes that connect in)
I had to do this, because otherwise the animation that was not connected correctly got deleted when importing the Reference.
Then I imported the file from the Reference (Reference Editor-> rightclick on Reference-> File -> Import Objects From Reference).
And deleted the namespace (Windows-> General Editors -> Namespace Editor) select namespace of reference, Delete button, "merge with root" on popup window.
Now I had the unconnected Animation curves and needed to connect them to their respective attributes. I did this by using the script in "connect_AnimCurves.txt"
This recovered animation on the Head and the Fingers but sadly not the arms or the root or torso, which I assume should also be animated, given the chair and the Computer in the Scene.
Also since this Solution requires the Import of the Reference during the Animation process, I would not recommend it.
I have the File with the recovered Animation Attatched as well. But I'm using Maya 2022, and by the amount of VRAY Warnings I got on loading up, I'm assuming you're on Maya2016 or lower.
I hope this explains it. As to how to avoid this issue in the Future, I'd recommend increment saving multiple times daily, so you can fall back on a savety copy in case anything goes wrong.
Have a nice day