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ik spline is unstable with degree 2 curve

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ik spline is unstable with degree 2 curve

Hi. I keep searched this problem in forums but can't found a similar problem, so I'm posting it.


As the title says, IK spline is unstable with a degree 2 curve + more than 18 joints when stretch setting applied. degree 3 curve or fewer than 18 joints are fine. I tested this in Maya 2018 and 2022.5 and both are same.



Steps to make this problem:

  1. Make a joint chain with more than 18 joints.
  2. Create an IK spline with auto-create/simplify.
  3. Rebuild spline curve with degree 2.
    • I also tried delete IK handle then rebuild curve and made IK spline again, but no difference.
  4. Apply stretch setting.

Here is a picture of my stretch setting. It's simple. I put the value that stretched curve length / original curve length * default joint translate X into joint translate X. I tried not translate X but scale X, there is no difference



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