Animation/Rigging Request


Animation/Rigging Request

Not applicable

Hi guys,


Just a college student here requesting if anyone can rig or animate my god awful little bug for me. I'm willing to learn if someone can has any spare time also. Yes I have done some rigging for a turret and it went perfectly and I've watched many videos on how the whole process is done. Its a messy model and would require a more advanced set of hands to make it to a half-decent finish. 

Bug Jaw Open.PNG


Bug Jaw Closed.PNG


I've attached some images.

Two of the images show the bottom jaw open and closed while the other is a picture of the entire thing. What I require to be rigged is the legs to move correctly, the jaw to open and close and as you can see there are two extra arms on the same socket as the front to legs. I'd like them to be moveable, I'd also like for the tongue to be moveable 


My idea for this little guy is to add him to a Tower Defense game I'm doing in spare time away from college and work duties. As I've said I'm happy to learn if someone has the spare time to go through it with me together or if anyone is kind enough and willing to chuck it together for me that's also amazing.


I can email or by any other means provide the scene file to the post for all to see! 3D modelling isn't what I want to become specialised in though I do enjoy it.


Thank you.

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