Hello Lonnie,
I can see where you have misgivings about trusting circular interpolation, especially in light of the actual HSM problem. It is kind of funny, as I have been in this business for a lot of years and there are still circular interpolation problems. One would think that these would have been resolved many years ago.
First, as far as using Radius programming goes, there will always be a problem because numbers output to the control are truncated to 3 or 4 digits. The controls and Backplot routines have to use these truncated numbers to calculate the center of the circle and in a perfect world the center can be a couple of thou off when using truncated numbers. One of the test cases I evaluated was documented to be .017 off, but not due not to the output, which was valid, but to the calculation used in the Backplot routine. Unfortunately, this calculation could be off in machine controls also, which is one of the main reasons we recommend not to use Radius programming.
Radius programming was added to controls to facilitate hand programming and is really only accurate with moves that start and end on quadrant boundaries. Using IJK defines the exact location of the circle center, so eliminates this problem, EXCEPT it seems in the case that you supplied. The solution in this case is so straight forward though, that I cannot even guess as to what the Backplot routine is doing internally to calculate such an errant solution. I will bring up this problem to my colleagues and see if there is a solution or at least a way to send it to the developers so that they can take a look at it. The problem being is that if it fails on 2 of 3 Backplot programs, are there controls that it will also fail on?
The calculation problems of machine controls is out of our hands and all we can do is try to work around them.
As an answer to your question, you should change the minimum values as I explained in my previous post and see if you start getting good results in Backplot. It is quite possible that the problem only appears on very small circles, which is something that I have run into many times with different controls over the years and why we have these values in the post. If the control does not process small circles correctly, then the only thing that we can do is output these as linear moves.

Bob Schultz
Sr. Post Processor Developer