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Hello forum,
I've created a small program that does cost and pricing reports. I've been searching and trouble shooting a few lines of code that I have found on this forum (Thank you @Neuzzo for presenting the original bulk of the code). I had to modify the code to update the 'Estimated Cost' in iproperties of each part at the assembly level. But I've stitched up a few lines of code that worked for me when I'm running at the part level.
Now its a mess of code that doesn't work.
My code as it is right now:
Sub Main () 'Create variables'set a reference to the assembly component definintion Dim oAssDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Dim ExcelFullName As String 'Dim FileName As String Dim oFileDlg As Inventor.FileDialog = Nothing InventorVb.Application.CreateFileDialog(oFileDlg) oFileDlg.InitialDirectory = oOrigRefName oFileDlg.CancelError = True 'oFileDlg.ShowOpen() 'If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Return 'ElseIf oFileDlg.FileName <> "" Then 'ExcelFullName = oFileDlg.FileName 'End If 'Open Excel database GoExcel.Open("\\SRV-DOC\company folder\program name\product family\pricing.xlsx", "sheet name") 'Iterate through each referenced document 'Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence For Each oDoc As Document In oAssDoc.AllReferencedDocuments ErHa = "Start" Try 'Extract Part Number of active occurrence Dim oPropSet As PropertySet = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties") oPartNumber = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Part Number").Value 'MessageBox.Show(oPartNumber) ErHa = "Define custom property collection" 'Parameter.UpdateAfterChange = True 'index row 5 through 100 or 150 or 10,000 (too long processing time) GoExcel.Open("\\SRV-DOC\company folder\program name\product family\pricing.xlsx", "sheet name") For rowPN = 5 To 60 'find first empty cell in column A If (GoExcel.CellValue("A" & rowPN) = iProperties.Value(oPartNumber, "Part Number")) Then 'find the price of the part using the part number oPrice = GoExcel.CellValue("L" & rowPN) End If Next 'MessageBox.Show(oPrice) iProperties.Value(oPartNumber, "Estimated Cost") = oPrice
ErHa = "Define custom property collection" Parameter.UpdateAfterChange = True i = GoExcel.FindRow("\\SRV-DOC\company folder\program name\product family\pricing.xlsx", "sheet name", "Part Number") '"=", oPartNumber) If i = "-1" GoTo oEnd End If Dim oPrice As String = GoExcel.CurrentRowValue("Price") If String.IsNullOrEmpty(oPrice) Then GetProperty(oPropSet, "Estimated Cost").Value = "" Else GetProperty(oPropSet, "Estimated Cost").Value = oPrice End If ErHa = "Update the file" iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Part: " & oDoc.DisplayName & vbLf & "Code-Part: " & ErHa & vbLf & "Error: " & ex.Message) End Try oEnd: Next 'Close Excel database GoExcel.Close End Sub Private ErHa As String = vbNullString Function GetProperty(oPropset As PropertySet, iProName As String) As Inventor.Property ErHa = "GetProperty: " & iProName Dim iPro As Inventor.Property Try 'Attempt to get the iProperty from the document iPro = oPropset.Item(iProName) Catch 'Assume error means not found, so create it iPro = oPropset.Add("", iProName) End Try Return iPro End Function
Part numbers on my excel sheet are found on along the column A and begin on A5 and its associated pricing are found under the column L.
The following iLogic code searches for the part number and its price:
'index row 5 through 100 or 150 or 10,000 (too long processing time) GoExcel.Open("\\SRV-DOC\MURAFLEX\CONFIGURATOR\MSD-M-B101-00\SAS-003X-01.xlsx", "SAS-003X-XX") For rowPN = 5 To 60 'find first empty cell in column A If (GoExcel.CellValue("A" & rowPN) = iProperties.Value(oPartNumber, "Part Number")) Then 'find the price of the part using the part number oPrice = GoExcel.CellValue("L" & rowPN) End If Next
Then the code should match the part numbers on the excel sheet and return a price from excel:
'MessageBox.Show(oPrice) 'iProperties.Value(oPartNumber, "Estimated Cost") = oPrice ErHa = "Define custom property collection" Parameter.UpdateAfterChange = True i = GoExcel.FindRow("\\SRV-DOC\MURAFLEX\CONFIGURATOR\MSD-M-B101-00\SAS-003X-01.xlsx", "SAS-003X-XX", "PART NUMBER") '"=", oPartNumber) 'i = GoExcel.FindRow(ExcelFullName, "DISTINTA BASE", "Part Number", "=", oPartNumber) If i = "-1" GoTo oEnd End If
And then the price found in excel should update the iproperties value Estimated Cost
Dim oPrice As String = GoExcel.CurrentRowValue("PRICE") If String.IsNullOrEmpty(oPrice) Then 'If String.IsNullOrEmpty(oCost) Then GetProperty(oPropSet, "Estimated Cost").Value = "" Else GetProperty(oPropSet, "Estimated Cost").Value = oPrice 'GetProperty(oPropSet, "Estimated Cost").Value = oCost 'GetProperty(oPropSet, "Tipo ricambio").Value = "C" End If
The problem is that whenever I run the iLogic code it doesn't update the Estimated Costs as expected and return an error.
Your help would be greatly appreciated by me and others that may benefit from this.
Solved! Go to Solution.