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Turn Inventor camera in assemblyview 30 degrees

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168 Views, 2 Replies

Turn Inventor camera in assemblyview 30 degrees

I am looking for a piece of (iLogic, VB, c#) code that can rotate the camera in the Assemblyview 30 degrees over the vertical Z-axis. Clock-wise or counter-clockwise. I don't need a transition because i need it to take screenshots of tons of products. I have found multiple pieces of code that can turn the camera, but as far as i am seeing none that have the amount of degrees turned as a input parameter. Or in which you can chose the direction in which to turn. For example: 

Sub Main()
End Sub

Public Sub RotateCamMacro()
    Dim pi As Double
    pi = Math.PI
    'Rotation speed in Rad/Sec
    Dim rotSpeedRad As Double
    rotSpeedRad = 40 * pi / 180
    'Get part document
    Dim doc As Document
    doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    'Get range box center point
    Dim centerPoint As Point
    centerPoint = GetRangeBoxCenter(doc)
    'Set camera orientation
    Call SetCameraOrientation( _
        centerPoint, _
    'Get Inventor camera
    Dim camera As Inventor.Camera
    camera = ThisApplication.ActiveView.Camera
    Dim totalRot As Double
    totalRot = 0
    Dim offsetRad As Double
    Dim rotAxis As Vector
    rotAxis = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateVector(1, 0, 0)
    Dim upVector As UnitVector
    upVector = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateUnitVector(0, 1, 0)
    Do While (totalRot < 2 * pi)
        offsetRad = 0.05 * rotSpeedRad
        RotateCam(camera, offsetRad, rotAxis, centerPoint, upVector)
        totalRot = totalRot + offsetRad
    Call SetCameraOrientation( _
        centerPoint, _
End Sub

Public Function GetRangeBoxCenter(ByVal doc As Document) As Point

    Dim minPoint As Point
    minPoint = doc.ComponentDefinition.RangeBox.minPoint
    Dim maxPoint As Point
    maxPoint = doc.ComponentDefinition.RangeBox.maxPoint
    GetRangeBoxCenter = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint( _
        (minPoint.X + maxPoint.X) * 0.5, _
        (minPoint.Y + maxPoint.Y) * 0.5, _
        (minPoint.Z + maxPoint.Z) * 0.5)

End Function

Public Sub SetCameraOrientation( _
    ByVal targetPoint As Point, _
    ByVal viewOrientation As ViewOrientationTypeEnum)

    Dim camera As Inventor.Camera
    camera = ThisApplication.ActiveView.Camera
    camera.ViewOrientationType = viewOrientation
    camera.Target = targetPoint
    Call camera.Fit
    Call camera.ApplyWithoutTransition

End Sub

Public Sub RotateCam( _
    camera As Camera, _
    ByVal offsetRad As Double, _
    rotAxis As Vector, _
    center As Point, _
    upVector As UnitVector)

    Dim matrix As Matrix
    matrix = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrix
    Call matrix.SetToRotation(offsetRad, rotAxis, center)
    Dim newEye As Point
    newEye = camera.Eye
    Call newEye.TransformBy(matrix)
    camera.Eye = newEye
    camera.UpVector = upVector
    Call camera.ApplyWithoutTransition
End Sub

Thank you guys in advance. I have been trying for a couple of days

Message 2 of 3

This is an iLogic sample how to rotate camera around Z axis. 

Sub Main()

    'Get camera of active view 
    Dim activeView As Inventor.View = ThisApplication.ActiveView
    dim cam As Camera = activeView.Camera 

    'Get current vector from target to eye
    Dim vectorToEye as Vector = cam.Target.VectorTo(cam.Eye)

    'Define rotation matrix for 30 deg around Z axis
    Dim angle As Double = PI/6
    Dim zAxis As Vector = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateVector(0,0,1)
    Dim origin As Point = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint(0,0,0)
    Dim rotationMtx As Matrix = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrix()
    rotationMtx.SetToRotation(angle, zAxis, origin)
    'Calculate new position of camera eye

    'Create new eye based on current target
    dim newEye = cam.Target.Copy()
    cam.Eye = newEye

    'Align up vector to Z axis
    cam.UpVector = zAxis.AsUnitVector()

    'Apply camera

End Sub


Message 3 of 3
in reply to: juliengoertz

Thank you! This is more than enough to get me going!

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