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Skip Event Triggered iLogic rules

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Skip Event Triggered iLogic rules

Here's the situation: I am testing a replacement to my some of my organization's iLogic rules which are ran from the Document Level Event Triggers. The replacement rules would instead be run from the drawing event triggers. The rules prompt the user to send the PDF in an email to a vendor/side-department. Because I am testing my rules, I end up being given the same prompt twice. However, I don't want to delete the rules from the document event triggers just yet, as I am currently the only one testing the new rules.


Is there a way to tell Inventor at the end of my last test rule to skip the rest of the event triggered rules so that the currently in-use rules don't trigger?


 I could also add a SharedVariable that, if it exists, would kill the current rules, but that would require editing the currently in-use rules as well, which I'd prefer not to have to do.


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