As a background to this code, I am automating a process in Excel that takes CAD files (SLDPRT, SLDASM, ipt, iam, stp etc.), and creates 10 screenshots at different angles. At the moment, my code works perfectly fine, except in the case of assembly files, where it seems to load the components without constraining them properly. If I import / open the assembly files manually, the constraints load up fine.
Sub ImportCAD(Path As String)
'Open Inventor
Dim invApp As Inventor.Application
Set invApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")
invApp.Visible = True
'Set file path and object parameters
Dim oDoc As Variant
If InStrRev(Path, ".ipt") <> 0 Or InStrRev(Path, ".iam") <> 0 Then
GoTo OpenInvFile
Exit Sub
GoTo ImportCADFile
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
Set oDoc = invApp.Documents.Open(Path, True)
Exit Sub
Set oDoc = invApp.Documents.Add(kPartDocumentObject, , True)
Dim oPartCompDef As Variant
Set oPartCompDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oImportedGenericCompDef As ImportedGenericComponentDefinition
Set oImportedGenericCompDef = oPartCompDef.ReferenceComponents.ImportedComponents.CreateDefinition(Path)
oImportedGenericCompDef.ReferenceModel = False
Dim oImportedComp As ImportedComponent
Set oImportedComp = oPartCompDef.ReferenceComponents.ImportedComponents.Add(oImportedGenericCompDef)
End Sub
Sub CreateScreenshots(PartDir)
'Value of pi
Dim pi As Double
pi = Math.Atn(1) * 4
'Image processing library
Dim ImgF As WIA.ImageFile
Dim ImgP As WIA.ImageProcess
Set invApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")
invApp.Visible = True
Dim oDoc As Document
Set oDoc = invApp.ActiveDocument
invApp.ActiveView.DisplayMode = kShadedWithEdgesRendering
Dim centerPoint As Variant
Set centerPoint = GetRangeBoxCenter(oDoc)
Call SetCameraOrientation(centerPoint, kIsoTopRightViewOrientation)
'Get inventor camera and apply parameters
Dim oCamera As camera
Set oCamera = invApp.ActiveView.camera
Call oCamera.Fit
Call oCamera.ApplyWithoutTransition
Dim offsetRad As Double
offsetRad = 12 * pi / 180
Dim YAxis As Vector
Set YAxis = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateVector(0, 1, 0)
Dim XAxis As Vector
Set XAxis = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateVector(1, 0, 0)
Dim YVector As UnitVector
Set YVector = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateUnitVector(0, 1, 0)
Dim minusYVector As UnitVector
Set minusYVector = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateUnitVector(0, -1, 0)
Dim XVector As UnitVector
Set XVector = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateUnitVector(1, 0, 0)
'Views array for front, top, right
Dim ISOviews As Variant
ISOviews = Array(kFrontViewOrientation _
, kTopViewOrientation _
, kRightViewOrientation)
'Generate images for front, top, right
For j = 0 To 2
imagePath = PartDir & "\Artworks\Screenshot_" & (j + 1) & ".bmp"
Call SetCameraOrientation(centerPoint, ISOviews(j))
Call Save_JPG(oCamera, imagePath)
Kill imagePath
Next j
'Generate images for upright angles
Call SetCameraOrientation(centerPoint, kIsoTopRightViewOrientation)
For i = 1 To 7
If i = 6 Then
Call RotateCam(oCamera, offsetRad * 3, XAxis, centerPoint, YVector)
End If
Call RotateCam(oCamera, offsetRad * i, YAxis, centerPoint, YVector)
If i = 1 Or i = 3 Then
GoTo NextFor
End If
imagePath = PartDir & "\Artworks\Screenshot_" & (i + 3) & ".bmp"
Call Save_JPG(oCamera, imagePath)
Kill imagePath
Next i
'Generate images for upside down angles
Call SetCameraOrientation(centerPoint, kFrontViewOrientation)
Call RotateCam(oCamera, (180 * pi / 180), XAxis, centerPoint, minusYVector)
For k = 9 To 10
Call RotateCam(oCamera, 200 * pi * (k - 9) / 180, YAxis, centerPoint, minusYVector)
imagePath = PartDir & "\Artworks\Screenshot_" & (k - (5 - (k - 9) * 1)) & ".bmp"
Call Save_JPG(oCamera, imagePath)
Kill imagePath
Next k
'Reset view
Call SetCameraOrientation(centerPoint, kIsoTopRightViewOrientation)
End Sub
Private Sub Save_JPG(camera, destination) 'Bitmap save and convert to JPG subroutine
Call camera.SaveAsBitmap(destination, 1080, 1080)
Set ImgF = New WIA.ImageFile
Call ImgF.LoadFile(destination)
Set ImgP = New WIA.ImageProcess
With ImgP
.Filters.Add .FilterInfos!Convert.FilterID
.Filters.Item(1).Properties!FormatID.Value = wiaFormatJPEG
.Filters.Item(1).Properties!Quality.Value = 90
Set ImgF = .Apply(ImgF)
End With
Call ImgF.SaveFile(Replace(destination, ".bmp", ".jpg"))
End Sub
Private Sub SetCameraOrientation( _
ByVal targetPoint As Variant, _
ByVal viewOrientation As ViewOrientationTypeEnum) '
Dim camera As Inventor.camera
Set camera = invApp.ActiveView.camera
camera.ViewOrientationType = viewOrientation
camera.Target = targetPoint
Call camera.Fit
Call camera.ApplyWithoutTransition
End Sub
Private Sub RotateCam( _
camera As camera, _
ByVal offsetRad As Double, _
rotAxis As Vector, _
center As Variant, _
upVector As UnitVector)
Dim matrix As matrix
Set matrix = invApp.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrix
Call matrix.SetToRotation(offsetRad, rotAxis, center)
Dim newEye As Variant
Set newEye = camera.Eye
Call newEye.TransformBy(matrix)
camera.Eye = newEye
camera.upVector = upVector
Call camera.ApplyWithoutTransition
End Sub
I wrote some code a while back that deletes all existing mates and grounds all of the components in the assembly, I think that this would work well for you, as it will lock everything in the correct position. You could run this rule first, then do your screenshots.
I tried inputting your code, but unfortunately it doesn't work because in my code I am importing STEP parts into a new Part environment, not an Assembly environment because some of the CAD files I'm taking screenshots of are single body; others are multibody.
The VBA doesn't recognize the .Constraints and .Joints methods of component definition because I presume it only works in Assembly, not Part.
Would there be another solution to solve the body placements going haywire?
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