did a slight change to your code.
it works perfect.
this code is being combined with a trigger ilogic to save custom thumbnails of the part ( you can rotate with spacemouse if you have one )
Open documents code.
Imports System.Threading
Sub Main()
Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.FactoryDocument
Dim oDocs As Documents = ThisApplication.Documents
Dim oRefDocs As DocumentsEnumerator = oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
If oRefDocs.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each oRefDoc As Document In oRefDocs
Dim oDoc As Document = oDocs.Open(oRefDoc.FullDocumentName, True)
Dim startTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Do While DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds < 5
' Allow interaction with the model for 5 seconds
If oDoc.IsModifiable Then oDoc.Save()
Interaction.MsgBox("Success! All referenced documents have been opened, viewed, saved, and closed.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "iLogic Rule")
End Sub
Code to trigger before save.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
' Rule to run only for IPT and IAM files
Dim m_Doc As Inventor.Document
m_Doc = ThisDoc.Document
If m_Doc.DocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject _
And m_Doc.DocumentType <> kPartDocumentObject Then
MessageBox.Show("File is not a model.", "iLogic")
Return 'exit rule
End If
' Get current color scheme name
Dim oColorSchemeName As String
oColorSchemeName = ThisApplication.ActiveColorScheme.Name
' Get current color scheme background type
Dim oBackGroundType As BackgroundTypeEnum
oBackGroundType = ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType
' Change to Deep Blue (Presentation)
' Set to use one color background type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = BackgroundTypeEnum.kOneColorBackgroundType
' Save the active view as an image directly
Dim m_Camera As Inventor.Camera = ThisApplication.ActiveView.Camera
Dim m_TO As Inventor.TransientObjects = ThisApplication.TransientObjects
Dim m_CV As Inventor.View = ThisApplication.ActiveView
Dim m_PrevMode As Integer = m_CV.DisplayMode
Dim m_Disp3D As Boolean = ThisApplication.DisplayOptions.Show3DIndicator
m_CV.DisplayMode = Inventor.DisplayModeEnum.kShadedWithEdgesRendering
ThisApplication.DisplayOptions.Show3DIndicator = False
' Set the image path and name
Dim oPath As String = "folder to save\IMAGES\"
Dim oFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_Doc.FullFileName) ' Get the file name without extension
Dim oFile As String = oPath & oFileName & ".png"
' Save the image
m_Camera.SaveAsBitmap(oFile, 800, 600, m_TO.CreateColor(255, 255, 255))
m_CV.DisplayMode = m_PrevMode
ThisApplication.DisplayOptions.Show3DIndicator = m_Disp3D
' Change back to the original color scheme using the name
' Change back to the original background type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = oBackGroundType
End Sub