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.Net8 AddIn / WinForms / Syncfusion

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.Net8 AddIn / WinForms / Syncfusion

I have a problem with an AddIn for 2025 that I can't categorise at all and have never had before.

I have created a solution in Visual Studio with an AddIn project (.Net8) and a WinForms project (also .Net8).
Both work independently of each other.

Now I have defined a button in the AddIn. Clicking on it should open the form. It works.
I have been using Syncfusion controls as third party controls for years.
If I now place any Syncfusion control on the form, the ButtonDefinition.OnExecute event is no longer fired in the AddIn.

If I delete the form, create a new standard form and use it, the event is fired again.
(Note: When I start the Winforms project with Synfusion controls independently, everything works as expected).

private void CmdBtnTEST_OnExecute(NameValueMap Context)
    // out-of-the-box form: works
    WinFormsApp_Net8.StandardForm standardForm = new();

    // Form with SyncFusion Control
    //WinFormsApp_Net8.SfForm1 form1 = new(); <-- Uncomment this and OnExecute will not fire!

I am writing this here in this forum because I have no idea what is going on.
Is this an Inventor problem, a .Net problem or does it have something to do with Syncfusion?

Perhaps someone here can give me a hint.


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