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Looping through Sub Assemblies and turning off visibility.

Message 1 of 11
725 Views, 10 Replies

Looping through Sub Assemblies and turning off visibility.

I'm working on an AddIn that turns off visibility when some criteria are matched. The issue I am having is that it just stops running after the first subassembly, no errors or warnings....


Any ideas?


For Each occ As ComponentOccurrence In assemblyDef.Occurrences
                    Dim refDoc As AssemblyDocument
                    MsgBox("got into assemblies")
                    refDoc = occ.Definition.Document

                    Dim customPropSet = refDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")

                    Dim SAPProp = customPropSet.Item("Stock Number")

                    Dim SAPVal = SAPProp.Value

                    If SAPVal <> Nothing And IsNumeric(SAPVal) Then
                        If (oData.ContainsKey(SAPVal) And oDataM.ContainsKey(SAPVal)) Then
                            If (oData(SAPVal) = oDataM(SAPVal)) Then
                                occ.Visible = False
                                occ.Visible = True
                                estr.Add(CStr(SAPVal) & ": " & oData(SAPVal) & " <> " & oDataM(SAPVal))
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Catch Ex As Exception
                End Try
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Message 2 of 11
in reply to: ahmed.hagi

Hi @ahmed.hagi.  First thing I see that does not look right is you use of the keyword "Nothing".  When comparing against Nothing you should use 'Is' or 'IsNot', not '=' or '<>'.  If the variable were declared as a String, instead of no Type declaration, you could try String.IsNullOrEmpty(SAPVal) or just If SAPVal = "", but if it is a Double, Integer, or other numeric data type, there is no comparison with Nothing, it will just have the value of zero, and Boolean's will always be False by default after creation.  Also, you could try checking refDoc.DocumentType property to see if it is an assembly first, before trying to assign it to an AssemblyDocument type variable, then use a smaller Try block of code, for more accurate/useful error handling feedback.  I don't know what your oData, oDataM, or estr variables represent, but I assume the first two are Dictionary types, and the third something like a List(Of String), but it's difficult to debug without seeing more.  Are you wanting this routine to process down into sub assemblies, or just top level components in your main assembly?

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 3 of 11

Hi @ahmed.hagi ,


There was a lot in that try/catch, which makes it difficult to troubleshoot because once it hits one error, it quits.


Here is an example that breaks it up a bit.


The exception that I was seeing in my data set was the one that happened when the first part component was encountered and the code attempted to set it as a Assembly Document, so changing that to Document helped.


Note that as it was written it only looked at components ( parts and subassemblies) that occurred in the top level assembly. That is to say it was not looking at subcomponents found in the subassemblies. 


This example traverses the entire assembly, looking down into each sub assembly.


I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,





Sub main

	Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
	oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	Dim assemblyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
	assemblyDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition

	Dim oOccs As ComponentOccurrences = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
	Call TraverseAssembly(oOccs)

End Sub

Function TraverseAssembly(oOccs As ComponentOccurrences)

	oData = "Test2" 'dummy data since original example was incomplete
	oDataM = "Test2"  'dummy data since original example was incomplete
	Dim estr As New ArrayList  'dummy data since original example was incomplete

	Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
	For Each oOcc In oOccs

		Dim refDoc As Document
		refDoc = oOcc.Definition.Document

		Dim customPropSet = refDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")
		Dim SAPProp = customPropSet.Item("Stock Number")

		Dim SAPVal = SAPProp.Value

			If SAPVal <> Nothing And IsNumeric(SAPVal) Then
				If (oData.ContainsKey(SAPVal) And oDataM.ContainsKey(SAPVal)) Then
					If (oData(SAPVal) = oDataM(SAPVal)) Then
						oOcc.Visible = False
						oOcc.Visible = True
						estr.Add(CStr(SAPVal) & ": " & oData(SAPVal) & " <> " & oDataM(SAPVal))
					End If
				End If
			End If
		Catch Ex As Exception
		End Try

		sName = Split(oOcc.Name, ":")
		sName = sName(0)

		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then

			Call TraverseAssembly(refDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences)

		End If

End Function



Message 4 of 11
in reply to: WCrihfield

I'm trying to port an external rule I have. Unfortunately iLogic and VB.Net with Visual Studio don't map 1 to 1. The code I have attached works in inventor as an external rule....

Imports System.IO

' initialize empty list for data
Dim estr As New List(Of String)

Dim oFileDlg As Inventor.FileDialog = Nothing
            oFileDlg.InitialDirectory = "C:\MCAD\Workspace\" 'OLC\"
            oFileDlg.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
            oFileDlg.DialogTitle = "Select a BOM Sheet"
            oFileDlg.CancelError = True
            'On Error Resume Next
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                'exit if file not selected
            ElseIf oFileDlg.FileName <> "" Then
                Dim myCSV As String = oFileDlg.FileName
                ' initialize dictionary for ebom (oData) and dictionary for BOM (oDataM)
                Dim oData As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
                Dim oDataM As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
				Using reader As New StreamReader(myCSV)
				    ' Read the header line and discard it

				    ' Read the rest of the file
				    While Not reader.EndOfStream
				        ' Read a line of text
				        Dim Line As String = reader.ReadLine()

				        ' Split the line into fields
				        Dim fields As String() = Line.Split(","c)

				        ' Add the fields to the dictionary
				        oData.Add(fields(0), fields(1))
				    End While
				End Using

                ' Get the active assembly.
                Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
                oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

                Dim nrOfOccs As Integer = 0

                ' Get the occurrences that represent this document.
                Dim oOccs As ComponentOccurrencesEnumerator

                ' Print the occurrences to the Immediate window.
                Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence

                For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In oData

                    For Each oDocCheck As Document In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
                            If oDocCheck.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Stock Number").Value = kvp.Key Then
                                nrOfOccs = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AllReferencedOccurrences(oDocCheck).Count
                            End If
                        End Try
                    Dim x2 As Integer = kvp.Key
                    Dim y2 As Integer = nrOfOccs
                    oDataM.Add(x2, y2)


                Dim assemblyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinition


                    ' Activate a writeable View Rep (master view rep is not writeable)

                    assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Item("BOM Check").Activate()


                    ' Assume error means this View Rep does not exist, so create it

                    oViewRep = assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Add("BOM Check")

                End Try
                ' turn off work features in the model
                For Each oDocCheck As Document In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
                    For Each oworkplane In assemblyDef.WorkPlanes
                        oworkplane.Visible = False
                    For Each oworkaxis In assemblyDef.WorkAxes
                        oworkaxis.Visible = False
                    For Each oworkpoint In assemblyDef.WorkPoints
                        oworkpoint.Visible = False

                ' turn off visibility if quantities in dictionaries are equal (part level)
                For Each occ In assemblyDef.Occurrences.AllLeafOccurrences
                    Dim refDoc As PartDocument = occ.Definition.Document

                    customPropSet = refDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")

                    SAPProp = customPropSet.Item("Stock Number")

                    SAPVal = SAPProp.Value

                    If SAPVal <> Nothing And IsNumeric(SAPVal) Then

                        If (oData.ContainsKey(SAPVal) And oDataM.ContainsKey(SAPVal)) Then
                            If (oData(SAPVal) = oDataM(SAPVal)) Then
                                occ.Visible = False
                                occ.Visible = True
								estr.Add(CStr(SAPVal) & ": " & CStr(oData(SAPVal)) & " <> " & CStr(oDataM(SAPVal)))
                            End If
                        End If

                    End If

                ' turn off visibility if quantities in dictionaries are equal (assembly level)
                For Each occ In assemblyDef.Occurrences
                    Dim oANAME As String = occ.Name
                    iPropSAP = iProperties.Value(oANAME, "Project", "Stock Number")

                    If iPropSAP <> Nothing And IsNumeric(iPropSAP) Then
                        If (oData.ContainsKey(iPropSAP) And oDataM.ContainsKey(iPropSAP)) Then
                            If (oData(iPropSAP) = oDataM(iPropSAP)) Then
                                occ.Visible = False
                                occ.Visible = True
								estr.Add(CStr(iPropSAP) & ": " & CStr(oData(iPropSAP)) & " <> " & CStr(oDataM(iPropSAP))) 
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If


				' try to activate level of detail
	                If oAsmDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information").Item("Comments").Value.ToString.Contains("GC Series") Then
	                    assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("All Content Center Suppressed").Activate()
	                End If
					MsgBox("Not a GC or Legacy System", , "Bom Check")
				End Try
			End If
            ' create list of results, remove duplicates
			Dim result As List(Of String) = estr.Distinct().ToList
            ' concatenate results to variable for msgbox display
			For i As Integer = 0 To result.Count - 1
				If i = 0 Then
					oText = result(i)
					oText = oText & vbLf & result(i)
				End If
			' Create and write to a text file
			oWrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")

			' Write list out to file
			oWrite.WriteLine("SAP No: EBOM QTY <> BOM QTY:")
			For Each Item As String In result

            ' close the file
            ' display data to user
			MsgBox("The following Items have inconsistent quantities:" & vbCrLf & "SAP No: EBOM QTY <> BOM QTY:" & vbCrLf & oText, ,"BOM Check")

			' open the file
			ThisDoc.Launch(ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")


Message 5 of 11

I've got a working external iLogic Rule, but the shortcuts in iLogic need re-writing, for example "This" doesn't work.

Message 6 of 11
in reply to: ahmed.hagi

This line uses an iLogic dependent object 'InventorVb', so it should be changed to get/reference the Inventor.Application object another way.




Maybe something like this:


Dim InvApp As Inventor.Application = GetObject(,"Inventor.Application")


Where that variable to represent the Inventor.Application object is at the top of your code.

Also keep in mind that the iLogic rule editor environment already has references to several resources included for us, so that we do not need to have really long 'header' codes in each of our iLogic rules (such as AddReference & Imports lines).  And it also creates the 'ThisRule' Class for us, and creates several variables for us that represent Interface type objects within that class that are ready for us to use, without needing to instantiate them.  This is all to make life easier for less experienced coders to get into design automation.


And since 'ThisDoc' is also unique to iLogic, the following line would also not work outside of the influence of an iLogic rule, unless you recreated it:


Dim assemblyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinition seems to me like you could use this instead:


Dim assemblyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition


The term 'ThisDoc' is another one of those super useful/helpful/dynamic variables created for us in iLogic rules that represents an Interface, and since we do not have access to its source code, the closest API object might be the ThisApplication.ActiveEditDocument.


Same for these two lines:


oWrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")
ThisDoc.Launch(ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt") both cases, you could create a variable to use for the needed full file name, with the ".txt" file extension, like the following:


Dim oAsmTxtFile As String = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(oAsmDoc.FullFileName, ".txt")


...then use that variable instead of the 'ThisDoc.PathAndFileName()'.  Below is an example:


oWrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(oAsmTxtFile)


Since all that 'ThisDoc.Launch() line does is visibly open the file, there are other ways of doing that with  Perhaps the simplest would be something like this:




Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 7 of 11
in reply to: WCrihfield

What I've got so far is the following. It get's to the Assemblies and only turns off one subassembly.

Had to comment out all the creating and changing level of details/view representations since I can't get that to work.


 ' initialize empty list for data
            Dim estr As New List(Of String)

            Dim oPropSet As PropertySet
            Dim oProp As Inventor.Property
            Dim oDoc As Inventor.Document

            Dim StrFilter As String = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv" ' "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv"
            Dim filename As String
            Dim ofDlg As Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog = New Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog()

            Dim user As String = Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName

            ofDlg.Title = "Open File"
            ofDlg.InitialDirectory = "C:\Temp\" ' "\\UK11SF001\DATA\Everyone\Purchasing\New Materials\" '"C:\Documents and Settings\" + user + "\Desktop\"

            ofDlg.Filter = StrFilter 'Example: "Inventor files (*.ipt; *.iam; *.idw)|*.ipt;*.iam;*.idw"
            ofDlg.FilterIndex = 1
            ofDlg.RestoreDirectory = True


            filename = ofDlg.FileName
            If filename.Length = 0 Then
            End If

            Dim myCSV As String = ofDlg.FileName


            ' initialize dictionary for ebom (oData) and dictionary for BOM (oDataM)
            Dim oData As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
            Dim oDataM As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)

            Using reader As New StreamReader(myCSV)
                ' Read the header line and discard it

                ' Read the rest of the file
                While Not reader.EndOfStream
                    ' Read a line of text
                    Dim Line As String = reader.ReadLine()

                    ' Split the line into fields
                    Dim fields As String() = Line.Split(","c)

                    ' Add the fields to the dictionary
                    oData.Add(fields(0), fields(1))
                End While
            End Using

            ' Get the active assembly.
            Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
            oAsmDoc = g_inventorApplication.ActiveDocument

            Dim nrOfOccs As Integer = 0

            For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In oData

                For Each oDocCheck As Document In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
                        If oDocCheck.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Stock Number").Value = kvp.Key Then
                            nrOfOccs = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AllReferencedOccurrences(oDocCheck).Count
                        End If
                    End Try
                Dim x2 As Integer = kvp.Key
                Dim y2 As Integer = nrOfOccs
                oDataM.Add(x2, y2)


            Dim assemblyDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition


            '    ' Activate a writeable View Rep (master view rep is not writeable)

            '    'assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Item("BOM Check").Activate()

            '    ' Activate the new design view representation
            '    assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.ActiveRepresentation = "BOM Check"
            '    MsgBox("Tried to activate")


            '    ' Assume error means this View Rep does not exist, so create it

            '    'Dim oViewRep = assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Add("BOM Check")
            '    'oViewRep.Activate()

            '    ' Create a new design view representation
            '    Dim oNewRep As DesignViewRepresentation = assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.Add("BOM Check")

            '    ' Activate the new design view representation
            '    assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.ActiveRepresentation = oNewRep

            '    MsgBox("Failed to activate tried to create")

            'End Try

            ' turn off work features in the model
            For Each oDocCheck As Document In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
                For Each oworkplane In assemblyDef.WorkPlanes
                    oworkplane.Visible = False
                For Each oworkaxis In assemblyDef.WorkAxes
                    oworkaxis.Visible = False
                For Each oworkpoint In assemblyDef.WorkPoints
                    oworkpoint.Visible = False
            MsgBox("got to after workplanes")
            ' turn off visibility if quantities in dictionaries are equal (part level)
            For Each occ As ComponentOccurrence In assemblyDef.Occurrences.AllLeafOccurrences
                If occ.DefinitionDocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then
                    Dim refDoc As PartDocument = occ.Definition.Document

                    Dim customPropSet = refDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")

                    Dim SAPProp = customPropSet.Item("Stock Number")

                    Dim SAPVal = SAPProp.Value

                    If SAPVal IsNot Nothing And IsNumeric(SAPVal) Then

                        If (oData.ContainsKey(SAPVal) And oDataM.ContainsKey(SAPVal)) Then
                            If (oData(SAPVal) = oDataM(SAPVal)) Then
                                occ.Visible = False
                                occ.Visible = True
                                estr.Add(CStr(SAPVal) & ": " & CStr(oData(SAPVal)) & " <> " & CStr(oDataM(SAPVal)))
                            End If
                        End If

                    End If
                End If

            MsgBox("got to after parts")
            ' turn off visibility if quantities in dictionaries are equal (assembly level)

            For Each occ As ComponentOccurrence In assemblyDef.Occurrences
                    Dim refDoc As AssemblyDocument
                    MsgBox("got into assemblies")
                    If occ.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
                        refDoc = occ.Definition.Document

                        Dim customPropSet = refDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")

                        Dim SAPProp = customPropSet.Item("Stock Number")

                        Dim SAPVal = SAPProp.Value

                        If SAPVal IsNot Nothing And IsNumeric(SAPVal) Then
                            If (oData.ContainsKey(SAPVal) And oDataM.ContainsKey(SAPVal)) Then
                                If (oData(SAPVal) = oDataM(SAPVal)) Then
                                    occ.Visible = False
                                    occ.Visible = True
                                    estr.Add(CStr(SAPVal) & ": " & oData(SAPVal) & " <> " & oDataM(SAPVal))
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Catch Ex As Exception
                End Try

            MsgBox("got to after assemblies")
            ' try to activate level of detail
            '    If oAsmDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information").Item("Comments").Value.ToString.Contains("GC Series") Then
            '        assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("All Content Center Suppressed").Activate()
            '    Else
            '        assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("iLogic").Activate()
            '    End If
            '    MsgBox("Not a GC or Legacy System", , "Bom Check")
            '    assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("All Content Center Suppressed").Activate()
            'End Try

            ' create list of results, remove duplicates
            Dim result As List(Of String) = estr.Distinct().ToList
            Dim oText As String

            ' concatenate results to variable for msgbox display
            For i As Integer = 0 To result.Count - 1
                If i = 0 Then
                    oText = result(i)
                    oText = oText & vbLf & result(i)
                End If

            ' Create and write to a text file
            Dim oWrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(oAsmDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")

            ' Write list out to file
            oWrite.WriteLine("SAP No: EBOM QTY <> BOM QTY:")
            For Each Item As String In result

            ' close the file

            ' display data to user
            MsgBox("The following Items have inconsistent quantities:" & vbCrLf & "SAP No: EBOM QTY <> BOM QTY:" & vbCrLf & oText, , "BOM Check")

            ' open the file
            oAsmDoc.Launch(oAsmDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")
Message 8 of 11
in reply to: ahmed.hagi

These two lines will not work:


Dim oWrite = System.IO.File.CreateText(oAsmDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")
oAsmDoc.Launch(oAsmDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")


Because 'PathAndFileName() is a method of the 'ThisDoc' object, not a method of a regular Inventor.Document.  If you want to get the full path and file name of an Inventor document, with a different file extension, you can use the line of code I posted in my previous response, as follows:


Dim oAsmTxtFile As String = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(oAsmDoc.FullFileName, ".txt")


This would be on its own line just before you get to those other two lines mentioned.  Then just use that 'oAsmTextFile' variable as the 'input' into that 'CreateText()' method, or to specify which file to open after it has been created.


oAsmDoc.Launch will not work either, because 'Launch()' is a method of the 'ThisDoc' object, not a method of the regular Inventor.Document type object, and the ThisDoc type object can not be used outside of iLogic.  As I mentioned in my previous response, you can use the Process.Start() method in to open & show that text file after it has been created, instead of the 'ThisDoc.Launch() method, then supply the oAsmTxtFile variable as its 'input'.

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 9 of 11
in reply to: WCrihfield

Yeah, i know, I've been converting it as i hit errors. I'm just stuck on the looping through the assemblies. For some reason the parts loop works just fine, even before I added a check for the document type.

Message 10 of 11
in reply to: ahmed.hagi

Ok, so I've managed to get the turning off visibility to work, i just need to get the creation of a design view representation and changing to a level of details working.


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong in these 2 sections? 


            '    ' Activate a writeable View Rep (master view rep is not writeable)

            '    'assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Item("BOM Check").Activate()

            '    ' Activate the new design view representation
            '    assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.ActiveRepresentation = "BOM Check"
            '    MsgBox("Tried to activate")


            '    ' Assume error means this View Rep does not exist, so create it

            '    'Dim oViewRep = assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Add("BOM Check")
            '    'oViewRep.Activate()

            '    ' Create a new design view representation
            '    Dim oNewRep As DesignViewRepresentation = assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.Add("BOM Check")

            '    ' Activate the new design view representation
            '    assemblyDef.ComponentDefinition.DesignViewRepresentations.ActiveRepresentation = oNewRep

            '    MsgBox("Failed to activate tried to create")

            'End Try

' try to activate level of detail
            '    If oAsmDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information").Item("Comments").Value.ToString.Contains("GC Series") Then
            '        assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("All Content Center Suppressed").Activate()
            '    Else
            '        assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("iLogic").Activate()
            '    End If
            '    MsgBox("Not a GC or Legacy System", , "Bom Check")
            '    assemblyDef.RepresentationsManager.LevelOfDetailRepresentations.Item("All Content Center Suppressed").Activate()
            'End Try
Message 11 of 11
in reply to: ahmed.hagi

Actually, i think I've got it working now!

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