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Inventor.Application ProgID still resolving to old version after update

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Inventor.Application ProgID still resolving to old version after update

I had a Python script which opens a file with an Inventor COM object. I was using the ProgID to open it like this:


import win32com.client
oApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Inventor.Application') # Get COM object
# Do stuff with COM object


This worked fine, but my company has updated from Inventor 2022 to Inventor 2024, and running this script still opens Inventor 2022 even though we have upgraded.  I've tried checking the registry, and there is no ProgIDs that could be for the newer version. I tried looking for the CLSID, but it only has {B6B5DC40-96E3-11d2-B774-0060B0F159EF} which is for Inventor 2022. 


Does anyone know how to get the COM object of the newer version, or how to make the ProgID or CLSID resolve to the newer version? TIA.


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