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ILogic code for Inventor Drawing sheets to Autocad Model Space Placement

Message 1 of 6
1560 Views, 5 Replies

ILogic code for Inventor Drawing sheets to Autocad Model Space Placement

hi all,

            I would like to place all the sheets in inventor dwg or idw file into an Autocad Model Space instead of layout space in Autocad.

could anyone help me out regarding this process. 

Message 2 of 6

That option exists in the export to autocad dwg translator options (remember the space ship icon in the wizard).  To set, you only need to configure an export manually, and save the configuration file before executing the export, then use that ini file with your configuration options in the export code.  (or just read it in notepad, and get the settings to set via code).

Message 3 of 6

Hi, thanks for the reply it works.

I am able to get each sheet as separate dwg file and also the sheet contents inside the model space of AutoCAD.


but can I get sheet 1 and sheet 2  of inventor in single AutoCAD file model space?

Message 4 of 6

Being that the program is only calculating a single insertion point (0,0), and their solution is to create a separate dwg file for each Inventor sheet, to perform the multi document layout you will need to write code that merges the AutoCAD dwg files into one.  If I were to do such, I would be using the AutoCAD Managed vb.Net API, then I would:

  1.  Create a new document in AutoCAD, name it from the base name (without the sheet names), then save it.
  2.  Insert sheet 1 as a block at 0,0, then explode it if necessary.
  3. Calculate extents, and use that to locate the origin for the next sheet.
  4.  Insert sheet# at new extents (loop 3 and 4 until all sheets are done).

Option B.  Use Inventor to generate multi-sheet layout space instead of model space.  This still generates separate CAD files, but now each definition is in the layout space.  With that setup you can:

  1.  Open the first sheet.
  2.  Create a new layout tab from 'template', and select the next sheet (loop until all sheets are done).

However layout space tends to be a block area that CNC machines don't like.  So you can fix that using view ports manually.

If you have all layouts in one DWG file, you can then use MView to create a viewport as big as the sheet (code for this I wrote back in 2006).  Set the view for each sheet to separate locations in Model space.  Then use Change Space (chspace) to move the entire contents of the layout space into modelspace.


If you've ever studied the ACAD Object ARX / Managed API, you learn that Model Space, and Layout 1, Layout 2, etc. are all block definitions in the CAD file, meaning you can treat them all the same in code.  So just copy contents of layout 1 into model space with a translation matrix to move everything as needed.  Layouts have viewports within them.  Just don't delete Viewport 1, it is the drawing screen and can cause some very interesting AutoCAD errors!.

Message 5 of 6

It's been a while since anyone has posted in here, BUT...


I've uploaded a program I slapped together that "exports all sheets into 1 model space"


  1. It creates a folder and subfolder for all the work that will follow
  2. A Subfolder that contains all the exported sheets to their respective Model Space ACAD Files
  3. It creates a master ACAD File
  4. It copies all the other files into the master file and places them nice and organized like.
  5. Everything is copied and pasted to 1:1 scale in model space
  6. It creates Layouts tabs for all the generated sheets in the master file.



Change line 48,

    strIniFile = "C:\TheFolderPathThatContainsThisFile\ACAD_Drawing_Export_Configuration.ini"


NOW.... Who wants to show me how to modify this to set the layout viewports in ACAD from iLogic?


I thnk someone, somewhere, owes me a beer. 


ps. Yes I know my programs are janky... But what do you expect from a person that isn't a programmer and  has never had one programming class.  


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop

Sub Main()
    Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication
	Dim CurrentYear As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy")
	Dim TimeStamp As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
    Dim ProgramName As String: ProgramName = "Doug's ACAD Model Space Exporter, " & CurrentYear
    Dim i As Integer
	If DrawingValidator(i) = 7 Then 'Returns 6 for yes, 7 for no
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If MessageBox.Show("This may take a few minutes," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "While processing, DO NOT USE YOUR COMPUTER" & vbNewLine & "    1. Do not use your mouse" & vbNewLine & "    2. Do not use your keyboard" & vbNewLine & "    3. Do not use any input devices" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Would you like to continue?", ProgramName,MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question) = 7 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim oDocument As Document: oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'a reference to the active document (the document to be exported), it will crash if you try to use a drawing document, keep it simple.
    Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument: oDrawDoc = oApp.ActiveDocument 'access to the Inventor, Active drawing document
    Dim FullFileName As String: FullFileName = oDrawDoc.FullFileName 'a string of the Inventor, Active drawing document full path, file name, and extension
    temp = Right$(FullFileName, Len(FullFileName) - InStrRev(FullFileName, "\")) 'Remove the path from the Full FileName
    FileNameWithoutExtension = Left$(temp, InStrRev(temp, ".") - 1) 'Remove the extension from the Full FileName after it has had the Path removed
    Dim MyDocumentsPath As String: MyDocumentsPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").specialfolders("mydocuments") 'Get access to the Docments/MyDocuments folder in Windows
    Dim InventorFilesFolder As String: InventorFilesFolder = MyDocumentsPath & "\Inventor" 'Create a string for the path of the Inventor folder located in Docments/MyDocuments
    Dim ACADBackupFolder As String: ACADBackupFolder = MyDocumentsPath & "\" & "Inventor" & "\" & FileNameWithoutExtension 'Create a string for the path of the Inventor folder located in the folder of the file name
	Dim fso As Object : fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Gain access to a windows function to verify or create a folder
    If Not fso.FolderExists(InventorFilesFolder) Then 'Check for MyDocuments/Inventor Folder
        fso.CreateFolder (InventorFilesFolder) 'Create MyDocuments/Inventor Folder
    End If
    If Not fso.FolderExists(ACADBackupFolder) Then 'Check for MyDocuments/Inventor/FileName Folder
        fso.CreateFolder (ACADBackupFolder) 'Create MyDocuments/Inventor Folder/FileName
    End If
    Dim oSheets As Sheets: oSheets = oDrawDoc.Sheets 'Access all of the Inventor Drawing Sheets
    Dim oSheet As Sheet 'a variable to iterate through all of Inventor Drawing Sheets
    Dim oBorderName As String: oBorderName = oSheets.Item(1).Border.Name 'Get access to the Sheet border Name
    Dim oSheetHeight As Integer 'Sheet height in inches, changes per sheet
    Dim oSheetWidth As Integer 'Sheet width in inches, changes per sheet
    Dim trans As Transaction = ThisApplication.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(oDrawDoc, ProgramName & CurrentYear) 'Undo in one transaction in case something goes wrong
    Dim DWGAddIn As TranslatorAddIn: DWGAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{C24E3AC2-122E-11D5-8E91-0010B541CD80}") 'Get access to Inventor DWG Exporter
    Dim oContext As TranslationContext: oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext 'Used in the export
    oContext.Type = kFileBrowseIOMechanism 'Used in the export
    Dim oOptions As NameValueMap: oOptions = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap 'Used in the export
    Dim oDataMedium As DataMedium: oDataMedium = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateDataMedium 'Create a DataMedium object, used in the export
    Dim FirstSheetName As String: FirstSheetName = Left(oSheets.Item(1).Name, (InStr(oSheets.Item(1).Name, ":") - 1)) 'Sheet Name without : or number
    oDataMedium.FileName = ACADBackupFolder & "\" & FileNameWithoutExtension & TimeStamp & ".dwg" 'Get name of file without the extension and add timestamp to it.
    If DWGAddIn.HasSaveCopyAsOptions(oDrawDoc, oContext, oOptions) Then 'Check whether the translator has 'SaveCopyAs' options
        Dim strIniFile As String
		'Change the following path to wherever you stored your ACAD Export Option File
        strIniFile = "C:\TheFolderPathThatContainsThisFile\ACAD_Drawing_Export_Configuration.ini" 'DWG export configuration full path and file name
		oOptions.Value("Export_Acad_IniFile") = strIniFile 'Create the name-value that specifies the ini file to use.
    End If
    Dim ACADSheet1FileName As String: ACADSheet1FileName = FileNameWithoutExtension & TimeStamp & "_" & FirstSheetName & "_" & "1" 'ACAD exported file name Without Extension
    Call DWGAddIn.SaveCopyAs(oDocument, oContext, oOptions, oDataMedium) 'Publish document.
    Dim ACADCopyFileName As String: ACADCopyFileName = ACADBackupFolder & "\" & FileNameWithoutExtension & "_Sheet_1Thru" & oSheets.Count & "_" & TimeStamp & ".dwg" 'Create a string for a full path, file name, and extension to create a copy of the first document
    FileCopy(ACADBackupFolder & "\" & ACADSheet1FileName & ".dwg", ACADCopyFileName) 'Create a copy of the first sheet, This is the full path, full file name, with extension
	'*********Run Cleanup ACAD procedure***********
    Dim ACADDocXScale, ACADDocYScale, ACADDocXPastePoint, ACADDocYPastePoint As Double
    Call SheetSizeQuery(oSheets.Item(1).Size, oSheetHeight, oSheetWidth) 'Start with Inventor sheet one size, get the sheet size for sheet 1	
	Dim ACADapp As Object: ACADapp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application") 'Create a new AutoCAD application instance
    Dim ACADDoc As Object: ACADDoc = ACADapp.Documents.Open(ACADCopyFileName) 'Open the copy of Sheet 1 in AutoCAD	
    Dim ACADConsolidatedDoc As Object: ACADConsolidatedDoc = ACADDoc 'up access to the copied drawing
	Call ACADConsolidatedDoc.layouts.Add("Sheet" & 1) 'add a new layout tab
	Call ACADDocBorderScale(ACADConsolidatedDoc, oBorderName, ACADDocXScale, ACADDocYScale) 'Get the scale of the first sheet to work with
    ACADDocXPastePoint = ACADDocXScale * oSheetWidth 'The initial paste point for the first sheet we will copy everything into
    ACADDocYPastePoint = ACADDocYScale * 1 'Currently Y is not changing so we will leave it at 1	
    If oSheets.Count > 1 Then 'Process multiple sheets if there is more than one
        For i = 2 To oSheets.Count
			Call ACADConsolidatedDoc.layouts.Add("Sheet" & i) 'add a new layout tab
            oSheet = oSheets.Item(i) 'Access to the Inventor Sheet
            oSheetShortName = Left(oSheet.Name, (InStr(oSheet.Name, ":") - 1)) 'a string of the next exported ACAD sheet to copy            
            ACADDoc = ACADapp.Documents.Open(ACADBackupFolder & "\" & FileNameWithoutExtension & TimeStamp & "_" & oSheetShortName & "_" & i & ".dwg")  'False means invisible, but ACAD wont stay invisible if you are sending commands to a document
			Call ACADDocBorderScale(ACADDoc, oBorderName, ACADDocXScale, ACADDocYScale)			
            Dim StrPastePoint As String: StrPastePoint = ACADDocXPastePoint & "," & "0" 'ACAD paste point is as a string like, "X,Y", example: "100,0" - - To shift linear, only change one dimension (keep y at 0 to move right, keep x at 0 to move up), it's a string because it will be pasted into the command line as is
            Call ACADDoc.sendcommand("_ai_selall" & vbCrLf & "_copybase" & vbCr & "0,0" & vbCr) 'ACAD Sheet Document - Select all in model space and copy
            Call Delay(1, "ACAD Copy") 'seconds 'let ACAD finish Copying, you may have to extend this
            Call ACADConsolidatedDoc.sendcommand("_pasteclip" & vbCrLf & StrPastePoint & vbCrLf) 'Paste the cocpied info into the Consolidated ACAD file
            Call Delay(1, "ACAD processing") 'Give ACAD a second to paste
            Call ACADDoc.Close 'ACAD Sheet Document - Close
            If i < oSheets.Count Then 'If there are still more sheets to process
                Call SheetSizeQuery(oSheet.Size, oSheetHeight, oSheetWidth) 'Get inventor drawing dimensions
                ACADDocXPastePoint = ACADDocXPastePoint + (ACADDocXScale * oSheetWidth) 'Cumulative distance, add up the next paste point
                ACADDocYPastePoint = 0 'Currently Y is not used so we will leave it at 0
            End If
    End If	
	Call ACADapp.ZoomExtents 'all files should be closed except the consolidated, Zoom to everthing in the consolidated file
	Call Delay(5, "Zoom Extents") 'Give ACAD a moment to breathe
    Call ACADConsolidatedDoc.sendcommand("snap" & vbCr & "off" & vbCr) 'Turn off ACAD's Document Snap To Grid mode
    Call ACADConsolidatedDoc.Save 'Save the master file	
    Call Delay(5, "Saving New Drawing") 'Give ACAD a moment to breathe
	ACADapp.WindowState = 2 '3 = max, 2 = min, 1 = restore
    oApp.WindowState = kMaximize '32514 Maximize Inventor '32515'Minimize Inventor
    MessageBox.Show("Process complete.", ProgramName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
	ACADapp.WindowState = 3 '3 = max, 2 = min, 1 = restore
End Sub

Public Function DrawingValidator(FileValueReturn As Integer) 'Returns 7 for NO
    Dim CurrentYear As String = Now.Date.ToString("yyyy")
    Dim ProgramName As String: ProgramName = "Doug's Drawing Validator " & CurrentYear
    Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication
    Dim Ret_type As Integer
    If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kDrawingDocumentObject Then
        Ret_type = MessageBox.Show("Drawing Not Found." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please Verify:" & vbNewLine _
        & "  1. Inventor is open and  as the active program." & vbNewLine & "  2. The active document is a drawing." _
        & vbNewLine & "  2. The drawing has been saved." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Retry?", _
        "Drawing not found. - " & ProgramName, _
        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
        Select Case Ret_type
            Case 6 'Yes
                FileValueReturn = 6
                GoTo oRetry
            Case 7 'No
                FileValueReturn = 7
        End Select
    End If
    Return FileValueReturn
End Function

Public Function SheetSizeQuery(ByVal shtSize As Inventor.DrawingSheetSizeEnum, ByRef oSheetHeight As Integer, ByRef oSheetWidth As Integer)
    Select Case shtSize
        Case Is = k12x18InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 12
            oSheetWidth = 18
        Case Is = k18x24InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 18
            oSheetWidth = 24
        Case Is = k24x36InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 24
            oSheetWidth = 36
        Case Is = k30x42InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 30
            oSheetWidth = 42
        Case Is = k36x48InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 36
            oSheetWidth = 48
        Case Is = k9x12InDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 9
            oSheetWidth = 12
        Case Is = kA0DrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 33.1
            oSheetWidth = 46.8
        Case Is = kA1DrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 23.4
            oSheetWidth = 33.1
        Case Is = kA2DrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 16.5
            oSheetWidth = 23.4
        Case Is = kA3DrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 11.7
            oSheetWidth = 16.5
        Case Is = kA4DrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 8.3
            oSheetWidth = 11.7
        Case Is = kADrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 8.5
            oSheetWidth = 11
        Case Is = kBDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 11
            oSheetWidth = 17
        Case Is = kCDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 17
            oSheetWidth = 22
        Case Is = kCustomDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 34
            oSheetWidth = 44
        Case Is = kDDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 22
            oSheetWidth = 34
        Case Is = kEDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 34
            oSheetWidth = 44
        Case Is = kFDrawingSheetSize
            oSheetHeight = 28
            oSheetWidth = 40
        Case Else
            DrawingSheetSize = "UNKNOWN"
    End Select
End Function

'You need to know the scale factor *FacePalm*
Public Function ACADDocBorderScale(ByVal ACADDoc As Object, ByVal oBorderName As String, ByRef ACADDocXScale As Double, ByRef ACADDocYScale As Double) 'Find the scale of the ACAD block with the border name in it
    Dim BorderFound As Boolean: BorderFound = False
    Dim ACADDocObj
    For Each ACADDocObj In ACADDoc.ModelSpace
        If BorderFound = False Then
            If InStr(1, ACADDocObj.Name, oBorderName) <> 0 Then
                BorderFound = True
                ACADDocXScale = ACADDocObj.XScaleFactor
                ACADDocYScale = ACADDocObj.YScaleFactor
                ACADDocZScale = ACADDocObj.ZScaleFactor
                GoTo ScaleFound
            End If
        End If
ScaleFound :
    Return ACADDocXScale
    Return ACADDocYScale
End Function

Public Function Delay(PauseTime As Integer, ProcessName As String) 'Function to call a delay when needed
	Dim milis As Integer = PauseTime*1000 'Convert seconds to miliseconds
	Threading.Thread.Sleep(milis) 'in ms
End Function


Message 6 of 6
in reply to: dseelbach80

Would it be possible to modify this code to work for both Landscape and Portrait orientations? Some of our sheets are in different orientations. 

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