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How to read the browser nodes index number from the model tree?

Message 1 of 9
1220 Views, 8 Replies

How to read the browser nodes index number from the model tree?




I want to know how to read the browser nodes index number that is placed behind the display name of each part inside an assembly. 


I can not find the best way to do this. Someon any idea? 


How to read the browser nodes index number from the model tree?



I want to know how to read the browser nodes index number that is placed behind the display name of each part inside an assembly. 


I can not find the best way to do this. Someon any idea? 

Message 2 of 9
in reply to: Charlies_3D_T


Here is a sample for using the BrowserPane Object Method "GetBrowserNodeFromObject":

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim PickThis As Object = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Select a Part")
	If IsNothing(PickThis) Then Exit Sub ' If nothing gets selected then we're done
	Dim modelBrowser As BrowserPane = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.BrowserPanes("Model")
	Dim ObjectNode As BrowserNode = modelBrowser.GetBrowserNodeFromObject(PickThis)
	MessageBox.Show(ObjectNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label, "Node Found")
End Sub

It doesn't give an Index number, but gives the node itself.  Is that enough for what you want to do with it or do you absolutely need an Index value?


Here is a sample for using the BrowserPane Object Method "GetBrowserNodeFromObject":

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim PickThis As Object = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Select a Part")
	If IsNothing(PickThis) Then Exit Sub ' If nothing gets selected then we're done
	Dim modelBrowser As BrowserPane = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.BrowserPanes("Model")
	Dim ObjectNode As BrowserNode = modelBrowser.GetBrowserNodeFromObject(PickThis)
	MessageBox.Show(ObjectNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label, "Node Found")
End Sub

It doesn't give an Index number, but gives the node itself.  Is that enough for what you want to do with it or do you absolutely need an Index value?

Message 3 of 9
in reply to: J-Camper






I have the PartRunner where i need to find the name remember the :1 or :2 and then change the name to the file name and then place the number :1 or :2 after the name. And then the next one. 


So i have the Iteration true all ass and parts but the part to get the node is still not working. 






I have the PartRunner where i need to find the name remember the :1 or :2 and then change the name to the file name and then place the number :1 or :2 after the name. And then the next one. 


So i have the Iteration true all ass and parts but the part to get the node is still not working. 

Message 4 of 9
in reply to: Charlies_3D_T


Here try implementing this subroutine into your current code:

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
5:	Dim PickThis As Object = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Select a Part")
	If IsNothing(PickThis) Then Exit Sub ' If nothing gets selected then we're done
	'Enter the BrowserNode Sub routine from your loop with a ComponentOccurrence Object and the Main open assembly document
	Call ChangeBrowserNode(PickThis, ThisApplication.ActiveDocument)
	'Repeatable for testing. Won't need the next line if you are already looping
	If MessageBox.Show("Would you like to repeat this code?", "Repeat?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = vbYes Then GoTo 5
End Sub

Sub ChangeBrowserNode(Oc As ComponentOccurrence, Parent As AssemblyDocument)
	Dim AllPanes As BrowserPanes = Parent.BrowserPanes
	Dim modelBrowser As BrowserPane = AllPanes.Item("Model")
	Dim ObjectNode As BrowserNode = modelBrowser.GetBrowserNodeFromObject(Oc)
	ObjectNode.EnsureVisible 'Simply to verify correct selection. Can be removed after testing
	Dim NameChange As String = ObjectNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label
	Dim CaptureIndex As Integer = 1
	If InStr(NameChange, ":") = 1 Then CaptureIndex = CInt(NameChange.Remove(0, NameChange.LastIndexOf(":") + 1))
		NameChange = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Oc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.FullDocumentName) & ":" & CaptureIndex
		ObjectNode.NativeObject.Name = NameChange
	Catch 'Name is in use
		CaptureIndex += 1
		GoTo Attempt
	End Try
End Sub

All it needs is the current ComponentOccurrence In the loop and the Main AssemblyDocument to be fed into it.  I have it called from a dummy Main sub you can us for testing before implementation.


Let me know if you have any questions or if it is not working as intended


Here try implementing this subroutine into your current code:

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
5:	Dim PickThis As Object = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Select a Part")
	If IsNothing(PickThis) Then Exit Sub ' If nothing gets selected then we're done
	'Enter the BrowserNode Sub routine from your loop with a ComponentOccurrence Object and the Main open assembly document
	Call ChangeBrowserNode(PickThis, ThisApplication.ActiveDocument)
	'Repeatable for testing. Won't need the next line if you are already looping
	If MessageBox.Show("Would you like to repeat this code?", "Repeat?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = vbYes Then GoTo 5
End Sub

Sub ChangeBrowserNode(Oc As ComponentOccurrence, Parent As AssemblyDocument)
	Dim AllPanes As BrowserPanes = Parent.BrowserPanes
	Dim modelBrowser As BrowserPane = AllPanes.Item("Model")
	Dim ObjectNode As BrowserNode = modelBrowser.GetBrowserNodeFromObject(Oc)
	ObjectNode.EnsureVisible 'Simply to verify correct selection. Can be removed after testing
	Dim NameChange As String = ObjectNode.BrowserNodeDefinition.Label
	Dim CaptureIndex As Integer = 1
	If InStr(NameChange, ":") = 1 Then CaptureIndex = CInt(NameChange.Remove(0, NameChange.LastIndexOf(":") + 1))
		NameChange = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Oc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.FullDocumentName) & ":" & CaptureIndex
		ObjectNode.NativeObject.Name = NameChange
	Catch 'Name is in use
		CaptureIndex += 1
		GoTo Attempt
	End Try
End Sub

All it needs is the current ComponentOccurrence In the loop and the Main AssemblyDocument to be fed into it.  I have it called from a dummy Main sub you can us for testing before implementation.


Let me know if you have any questions or if it is not working as intended

Message 5 of 9
in reply to: Charlies_3D_T

Not applicable

I've written a blog post that looks at renaming browser nodes with iLogic, I have included 3 different code samples for slightly different scenarios. Have a look and see if this helps with what you are trying to do.


I've written a blog post that looks at renaming browser nodes with iLogic, I have included 3 different code samples for slightly different scenarios. Have a look and see if this helps with what you are trying to do.

Message 6 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous


@J-Camper @Anonymous 




I managed to make this code: 

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim parentDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	'Do anything unique to main assembly

	Call AssemblyRunner(parentDoc)
End Sub

Sub AssemblyRunner(aDoc As AssemblyDocument)
	'Do things to the assembly file if any
	'MessageBox.Show(aDoc.DisplayName, "Assembly:")
        'Start Looping
	For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence In aDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kAssemblyDocumentObject
			Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
			If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
            oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)			

			'Dim CurFileName As String

			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document

			'get the path and file name of the selected item
			CurFileName = doc.FullFileName

			'defines backslash as the subdirectory separator
			Dim strCharSep As String = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar

			'find the postion of the last backslash in the path
			FNamePos = InStrRev(CurFileName, "\", -1)   
			'get the file name with the file extension
			Name = Right(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - FNamePos)
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = Left(Name, Len(Name) - 4)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = Left(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - Len(Name))

            oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
			Call AssemblyRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document)
		Else If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject
			Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
			If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
                        oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)			

			'Dim CurFileName As String

			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document

			'get the path and file name of the selected item
			CurFileName = doc.FullFileName

			'defines backslash as the subdirectory separator
			Dim strCharSep As String = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar

			'find the postion of the last backslash in the path
			FNamePos = InStrRev(CurFileName, "\", -1)   
			'get the file name with the file extension
			Name = Right(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - FNamePos)
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = Left(Name, Len(Name) - 4)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = Left(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - Len(Name))

                        oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
			'Call PartRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document, aDoc)
		End If
End Sub


But the thing is that when i have a suppressed part it gives me an error. Is it possible to tell the ilogic that when it has a supressed part it also has to change the name? 





@J-Camper @Anonymous 




I managed to make this code: 

Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim parentDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	'Do anything unique to main assembly

	Call AssemblyRunner(parentDoc)
End Sub

Sub AssemblyRunner(aDoc As AssemblyDocument)
	'Do things to the assembly file if any
	'MessageBox.Show(aDoc.DisplayName, "Assembly:")
        'Start Looping
	For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence In aDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kAssemblyDocumentObject
			Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
			If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
            oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)			

			'Dim CurFileName As String

			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document

			'get the path and file name of the selected item
			CurFileName = doc.FullFileName

			'defines backslash as the subdirectory separator
			Dim strCharSep As String = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar

			'find the postion of the last backslash in the path
			FNamePos = InStrRev(CurFileName, "\", -1)   
			'get the file name with the file extension
			Name = Right(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - FNamePos)
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = Left(Name, Len(Name) - 4)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = Left(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - Len(Name))

            oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
			Call AssemblyRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document)
		Else If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject
			Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
			If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
                        oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)			

			'Dim CurFileName As String

			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document

			'get the path and file name of the selected item
			CurFileName = doc.FullFileName

			'defines backslash as the subdirectory separator
			Dim strCharSep As String = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar

			'find the postion of the last backslash in the path
			FNamePos = InStrRev(CurFileName, "\", -1)   
			'get the file name with the file extension
			Name = Right(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - FNamePos)
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = Left(Name, Len(Name) - 4)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = Left(CurFileName, Len(CurFileName) - Len(Name))

                        oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
			'Call PartRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document, aDoc)
		End If
End Sub


But the thing is that when i have a suppressed part it gives me an error. Is it possible to tell the ilogic that when it has a supressed part it also has to change the name? 




Message 7 of 9
in reply to: Charlies_3D_T


I mean the easiest thing to do is switch you level of detail to Master before running, so all parts are temporarily un-suppressed.  Try this:


Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim parentDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	'Save current LOD
	Dim currentLOD As LevelOfDetailRepresentation = parentDoc.ComponentDefinition.RepresentationsManager.ActiveLevelOfDetailRepresentation
	'Activate Master
	'Call Subroutine
	Call AssemblyRunner(parentDoc)
	'Re-activate initial LOD
End Sub

Sub AssemblyRunner(aDoc As AssemblyDocument)
	'Do things to the assembly file if any
	'MessageBox.Show(aDoc.DisplayName, "Assembly:")
    'Start Looping
	For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence In aDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
		Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
		'Only changing names if the name still has a ":"
		If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
            oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)		
			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(doc.FullFileName)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.FullFileName) & "/"
			'Set Name
            oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kAssemblyDocumentObject
			'Call for Parts within subassembly
			Call AssemblyRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document)
		Else If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject
		End If
End Sub


I saw you were using System.IO.Path to get the separator character, but there are other methods in that System Object which can straight give you what you were manually collecting, so I added those changes.  I also consolidated things a bit.  you have the same process for all occurrences except for assemblies you run the Assembly sub, So I put the name change first and an If statement to catch Assemblies.  If you don't want to use my consolidation, just use the changes in the Main Sub.


Let me know if you have any questions or if it is not working as intended.


I mean the easiest thing to do is switch you level of detail to Master before running, so all parts are temporarily un-suppressed.  Try this:


Sub Main
	If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule is designed to only work in assembly documents.", "Wrong Document Type") : Exit Sub
	Dim parentDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	'Save current LOD
	Dim currentLOD As LevelOfDetailRepresentation = parentDoc.ComponentDefinition.RepresentationsManager.ActiveLevelOfDetailRepresentation
	'Activate Master
	'Call Subroutine
	Call AssemblyRunner(parentDoc)
	'Re-activate initial LOD
End Sub

Sub AssemblyRunner(aDoc As AssemblyDocument)
	'Do things to the assembly file if any
	'MessageBox.Show(aDoc.DisplayName, "Assembly:")
    'Start Looping
	For Each oOcc As ComponentOccurrence In aDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
		Dim GetOccName As String = oOcc.Name
		'Only changing names if the name still has a ":"
		If GetOccName.Contains(":") Then 
			Dim words As String() = GetOccName.Split(":")
            oEerst = words(0)
			oTweede = words(1)		
			'get the selected item document occurrence name
			doc = oOcc.Definition.Document
			'get the file name (without extension)
			ShortName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(doc.FullFileName)
			'get the path of the folder containing the file
			Folder_Location = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.FullFileName) & "/"
			'Set Name
            oOcc.Name = ShortName & ":" & words(1)

		End If
		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kAssemblyDocumentObject
			'Call for Parts within subassembly
			Call AssemblyRunner(oOcc.Definition.Document)
		Else If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject
		End If
End Sub


I saw you were using System.IO.Path to get the separator character, but there are other methods in that System Object which can straight give you what you were manually collecting, so I added those changes.  I also consolidated things a bit.  you have the same process for all occurrences except for assemblies you run the Assembly sub, So I put the name change first and an If statement to catch Assemblies.  If you don't want to use my consolidation, just use the changes in the Main Sub.


Let me know if you have any questions or if it is not working as intended.

Message 8 of 9
in reply to: J-Camper

So if i understand correct the parts and assembly and sub assemblies there
the name will be changed?

So if i understand correct the parts and assembly and sub assemblies there
the name will be changed?
Message 9 of 9
in reply to: Charlies_3D_T


It should function just like you had before except the Main Sub is switching to Master LOD to run everything and then returning to the LOD @ run time afterwards. 


Now based on your inner If Statement, which I didn't change, you are only changing Occurrence names which have ":" still in the name, so if an occurrence name is overwritten without ":" it will skip renaming that Occurrence.


It should function just like you had before except the Main Sub is switching to Master LOD to run everything and then returning to the LOD @ run time afterwards. 


Now based on your inner If Statement, which I didn't change, you are only changing Occurrence names which have ":" still in the name, so if an occurrence name is overwritten without ":" it will skip renaming that Occurrence.

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