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Setting a parameter in an occurrence you get an exception if factory document is loaded (and open) in memory.
Setting a parameter in an occurrence via factory document does not raise an exception, but you may be setting the parameter in the wrong model state.
Dim paramName As String = "test_param_name"
Dim paramVal As Integer
Dim asmDoc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
' Get part document of the first occurrence
Dim partDoc As PartDocument = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.Item(1).Definition.Document
Dim prtCmpDef As PartComponentDefinition = partDoc.ComponentDefinition
If prtCmpDef.IsModelStateMember Then
Dim facDoc As Document = prtCmpDef.FactoryDocument
If facDoc.Open Then
If facDoc.ModelStateName <> partDoc.ModelStateName Then
MsgBox("You're going to set param in the wrong model state")
MsgBox("Setting param via factory document is gonna be ok")
End If
partDoc = facDoc
MsgBox("Setting param via member document is gonna be ok")
End If
End If
Dim prtDocUserParams As UserParameters = partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters.UserParameters
Dim param As UserParameter = Nothing
' Check if param already exists
param = prtDocUserParams.Item(paramName)
paramVal = param.Value + 1
Catch ex As Exception
' Param does not exist
Logger.Info("This parameter does not exist: {0}.", paramName)
paramVal = 1
End Try
If param IsNot Nothing
' if param exists set the expression
param.Value = paramVal
' same errore using iLogic method
' Parameter("NEW236A9F8D:1", "test_param_name") = paramExpr
' Create missing param
prtDocUserParams.AddByValue(paramName, paramVal, UnitsTypeEnum.kMillimeterLengthUnits)
End If
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
Hi @CattabianiI. I'm not sure I understand, because it is an odd question, but I think your code will always succeed because of this line:
partDoc = facDoc
Because that 'partDoc' variable pre-existed that loop, and us used later for getting the parameters. So it will always be working with the 'factory' document, and therefore should always work. So, if you want it to 'not work', then I would say remove that line...but I'm not sure if that's what you are after here.
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)
Another similar situation is when you have multiple top level components in your assembly that all represent the same base part, but each one is set to a different ModelState version of that base part, and one is also set to its 'Master/Primary' ModelState. That then means that each version of that model is now 'open' in memory. In situations like that, I may go the extra process of ensuring that I am working with the correct version of the model by visibly opening the model file, then check which ModelState is currently 'active', and if its not the one that the component was set to, I 'activate' that one, then make sure the EditMemberScope is set the right way, then proceed to do the edits, then close (visibly) the document. I believe the document needs to be visibly open before you can 'activate' one of its ModelStates, or change EditMemberScope.
PS. You can also do this with the Documents.Open, if you supply the FullDocumentName that includes the name of the ModelState that you want to be working with.
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)
Hi @WCrihfield, it's not a real question, I would like a linkable post where I explain why snippet like this one are not ok.
Because this line
partDoc = facDoc
makes the code succeed but could have changed the parameter in an unintended model state. You can see the behavior in the attached video.
It's a post to point out how difficult to work with model state is.
There is a solution (or let's say a workaround) I implemented in my AddIns, based on do the modification via model state table: it's long and tricky, certainly not something iLogic is intended for imho.
In situations like that, I may go the extra process of ensuring that I am working with the correct version of the model by visibly opening the model file [...] check which ModelState is currently 'active', and if its not the one that the component was set to, I 'activate' that one
Yeah that's definitely a workaround, the document could already be open though, maybe in a substitute model state; and activate model state could be a slow task, and that's why I prefer to work via the model state table.
OK. I see it now. Even though your code will succeed to edit a component's parameters every time, it may be changing the parameter within the wrong ModelState, because the code is not actually doing anything to direct the value to the 'matching' ModelState, just letting the user know that it will be going to the wrong one. And simply working with the 'factory' document is not enough. You must make sure the 'factory' document represents the same ModelState that the component is currently set to, which isn't always portrayed clearly. When you do get the 'factory' document version of the model, you must then check which ModelState is 'active' in that version of the document, then if it is not the same one that your component is currently set to, you must either 'activate' the correct ModelState within the document before you will be editing the right version, or you must attempt to edit the ModelStateTable directly. This process is definitely a lot more complicated than it used to be before ModelStates existed. It took me quite a while, and a lot of testing to figure them out too.
I wrote this contribution post about ModelStates and the different versions of the document that are involved.
Inventor's ModelStates and their 'Member' vs 'Factory' Document References Explained
My first/early interpretation was that the 'factory' document was the version of the model that was not under the influence of any of its ModelStates (except the Master/Primary), but of course I soon figured out that was wrong, even though it sounds like a logical assumption. And also found out that there is not always a 'factory' version of every model document. Only documents that have more than the one original ModelState are going to have a 'factory' document. And also found out that the Document.FullDocumentName always reflects which ModelState a document is under the influence of.
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)
Hi @CattabianiI. I know that you said you already have something like this within your AddIn, but you inspired me to look into my own similar Sub routine type solution for editing the 'ModelStateTable' to set parameter values, instead of going the 'open and activate' type route, because I haven't messed with it in a while. And as you mentioned, it is quite long in comparison to similar routines that do not attempt to edit the table. Event the name of the Sub routine I am using is quite long, because I have several different similar routines I was testing with, and was trying to keep them unique enough.
This example below is one I created specifically for working with components in an assembly. The Sub routine itself doesn't cause the component within the main assembly to visibly update to reflect the new value, so I added a few lines to my Main sub routine for updating the component afterwards, because it may be time consuming to do it each time in a large assembly. It is not 100% 'fool proof' yet, because it does not account for if the model does not have any custom ModelStates, in which case it will obviously not find a ModelStateTable to mess with. So it is only used on components that I know have custom ModelStates. This can be checked before calling the Sub to run, but where's the fun in that, since the routine is already pretty long.
Sub Main
Dim oADoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence = oADoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.ItemByName("Part3:2")
If IsNothing(oOcc) Then
MsgBox("Component not found.",,"") : Exit Sub
End If
SetComponentModelStateTableParamExpression(oOcc, "Length", "6")
Dim oCompDoc As Document = ThisApplication.Documents.ItemByName(oOcc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.FullDocumentName)
If oCompDoc.RequiresUpdate Then oCompDoc.Update
If oCompDoc.Dirty Then oCompDoc.Save
If oADoc.RequiresUpdate Then oADoc.Update
End Sub
Sub SetComponentModelStateTableParamExpression(oComp As ComponentOccurrence, _
oParamName As String, oParamExpression As String)
If IsNothing(oComp) Or oParamName = "" Or oParamExpression = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim oCompFacDoc As Document = Nothing
If oComp.Definition.IsModelStateMember Then
oCompFacDoc = oComp.Definition.FactoryDocument
oCompFacDoc = oComp.Definition.Document
End If
Dim oMSs As ModelStates = oCompFacDoc.ComponentDefinition.ModelStates
Dim oTable As ModelStateTable = oMSs.ModelStateTable
Dim oCol As ModelStateTableColumn
oCol = oTable.TableColumns.Item(oParamName)
Logger.Debug("A ModelStateTableColumn named " & oParamName & " was not found," _
& vbCrLf & "in the following document:" & vbCrLf & oCompFacDoc.FullDocumentName)
Exit Sub
End Try
Dim oRow As ModelStateTableRow
oRow = oTable.TableRows.Item(oComp.ActiveModelState)
Logger.Debug("A ModelStateTableRow named " & oComp.ActiveModelState & " was not found," _
& vbCrLf & "in the following document:" & vbCrLf & oCompFacDoc.FullDocumentName)
Exit Sub
End Try
Dim oCell As ModelStateTableCell = oRow.Item(oCol)
Dim oVal As String = oCell.Value
oCell.Value = oParamExpression
Logger.Info("The parameter named " & oParamName & vbCrLf & _
"within the following document: " & oCompFacDoc.FullDocumentName & _
vbCrLf & "was changed from " & oVal & " to " & oParamExpression)
Catch oEx As Exception
MsgBox("Error attempting to set new value to ModelStateTableCell." & vbCrLf & _
oEx.Message & vbCrLf & oEx.StackTrace, vbCritical, "")
End Try
End Sub
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)
It's pretty long and still doesn't work if the parameter is not in model state table!
To do something like that, the section where you look for the column can be modified with the following lines:
Dim isParamNotInTable As Boolean = False
oCol = oTable.TableColumns.Item(oParamName)
Logger.Debug("A ModelStateTableColumn named " & oParamName & " was not found," _
& vbCrLf & "in the following document:" & vbCrLf & oCompFacDoc.FullDocumentName)
isParamNotInTable = True
'Exit Sub
End Try
If isParamNotInTable Then
oCol = AddParamInTable(oParamName, oTable, oCompFacDoc)
End If
Function AddParamInTable(oParamName As String, oTable As ModelStateTable, oCompFacDoc As Document) As ModelStateTableColumn
' Get param in active model state
Dim param As Inventor.Parameter
param = oCompFacDoc.Componentdefinition.Parameters.Item(oParamName)
Return Nothing
End Try
Dim origParamValue = param.Value
If param.Units = "Text" Then
Throw New NotImplementedException()
ElseIf param.Units = "Boolean" Then
Throw New NotImplementedException()
' Set param in the active model state to make its column available in table
param.Value = origParamValue + 1
' Set back param to its previous value
param.Value = origParamValue
End If
Dim mstCol As ModelStateTableColumn = oTable.TableColumns.Item(oParamName)
Return mstCol
End Function
In Inv 2021 it was just a single line, now an iLogic user have to consider all the things we pointed out here!
This is not what iLogic is intended for.
I agree that this process has been greatly complicated, and it could use some additional tools, both within the iLogic AddIn, and in the regular Inventor API system, to help make it not only easier, but also less susceptible to causing mistakes and unintentional edits. So much of the iLogic only stuff, as well as the Inventor API stuff lacks sufficient basic documentation in the online help system. I wish we had more influence to suggest and effect changes in that documentation, to include more detailed descriptions, examples, warnings, and the like. I have used the tools at the bottoms of many online help pages to suggest corrections to entries that were clearly not correct, as well as suggesting a lot of additional or clearer descriptions & documentation, but I don't know if any of it is making any difference or not.
For instance the iLogic snippets for working with Parameters in the 'local' or 'active' document. There are a couple which are heavily used, because they return (and let you set) the value in 'document units'. However, if my parameter is in Feet, or Yards, but my document is set to Inches, I am still not able to 'get' or 'set' the value in its proper units (the units that the parameter is set to)...not the document's units, or the 'database' units. And the Parameter API object itself only returns values in 'database' units, unless you attempt to interpret its Expression String, which isn't always ideal. So, in light of this, I also have to have my own custom developed Sub/Function type routines for working with plain parameters in documents that do Not use any ModelStates. After all these years, this should not still be the case.
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)
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