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how to change appearance of part or assambly with Ilogic

Message 1 of 18
5635 Views, 17 Replies

how to change appearance of part or assambly with Ilogic

How do I change appearance  with use of Ilogic?   I need a code for both IPT file and Iam file



Message 2 of 18

Hi, here I send you two codes, the first changes the appearance of each part from assembly, at the level of the part (as if you open the part and change the color)


Dim oAsset As Asset
Dim oAsset_Array As New ArrayList
For Each oAsset_Array_X In ThisApplication.ActiveAppearanceLibrary.AppearanceAssets
'present the user with the list to choose from
oAsset_Array_Selected = InputListBox("CHOOSE TEXTURE FROM ABOVE LIST", oAsset_Array, oAsset_Array.Item(0), "TEXTURE SELECTION", "LIST OF TEXTURES")
If oAsset_Array_Selected = "" Then GoTo 100 :

Dim comps As ObjectCollection
Dim comp As Object
comps = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection

While True
	comp = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Select a component")
	' If nothing gets selected then we're done	
	If IsNothing(comp) Then Exit While
End While

' If there are selected components we can do something
For Each comp In comps
	Dim oDef As PartDocument
    oDef = comp.Definition.Document
    Dim oRenderStyle As RenderStyle
    oRenderStyle = oDef.RenderStyles.Item(oAsset_Array_Selected)
    oDef.ActiveRenderStyle = oRenderStyle
    iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True		

the second changes the appearance of the part or assembly at the level of assembly (the part maintains the color of origin)

Dim oAsset As Asset
Dim oAsset_Array As New ArrayList
For Each oAsset_Array_X In ThisApplication.ActiveAppearanceLibrary.AppearanceAssets
'present the user with the list to choose from
oAsset_Array_Selected = InputListBox("CHOOSE TEXTURE FROM ABOVE LIST", oAsset_Array, oAsset_Array.Item(0), "TEXTURE SELECTION", "LIST OF TEXTURES")
If oAsset_Array_Selected = "" Then GoTo 100 :

Dim comps As ObjectCollection
Dim comp As Object
comps = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection

While True
comp = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyOccurrenceFilter, "Select a component")  'kAssemblyOccurrenceFilter. kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter

' If nothing gets selected then we're done 
If IsNothing(comp) Then Exit While
End While

' If there are selected components we can do something
For Each comp In comps

	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


Please accept as solution and give likes if applicable.

I am attaching my Upwork profile for specific queries.

Sergio Daniel Suarez
Mechanical Designer

| Upwork Profile | LinkedIn

Message 3 of 18

Thanks for the code... it is not what I needed 


I need a code that I can add to I if stement that I already have ... 

when I force the user to select betwine Colour 1 and Colour 2 and Galz

in the if statment 


If you selece Colour 1


Change appearance of this part or assambly to "Ral 7035"


If you selece Colour 2


Change appearance of this part or assambly to "Ral 7037"


If you selece Galz.


Change appearance of this part or assambly to "Galvanized"


I only want to change the top level ... not the assambly or part in the assambly



I use this in a before save ilogic code



Message 4 of 18

This is a code that just probes and works for me, it is by way of example. Need to add select an occurrence and then create a list of the two colors


Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
Dim oPart As ComponentOccurrence

'Pick part occurrence
oPart = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kAssemblyLeafOccurrenceFilter, "Seleccione Pieza")
	If oPart Is Nothing Then
		Exit Sub

		Dim oValueList As New ArrayList
			oValueList.Add("Colour 1")
			oValueList.Add("Colour 2")

		Dim oValue As String
			'get user input
			oValue = InputListBox("Select colour", oValueList, "Colour 1", "Customizar Plantilla", "Selecciones Disponibles")

		If oValue = "Colour 1" Then
			iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 
		End If

		If oValue = "Colour 2" Then
			iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 
		End If
end if

 ,you do not need to copy all this code, you should copy a line like this inside the "If then end if"


Component.Color("Occurrence")="chosen colour"

iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True


You must make sure that the chosen color belongs to the current appearance library, otherwise you must specify it

Please accept as solution and give likes if applicable.

I am attaching my Upwork profile for specific queries.

Sergio Daniel Suarez
Mechanical Designer

| Upwork Profile | LinkedIn

Message 5 of 18

Can´t get it to work .. how can it be so hard just to change color of a part


and for the same when it goes for assembly.


both at top level...


no seletect ingen ,... no list ...


just change change the appearance on the part  or Assambl that you are saving right now .. it may need 2 illogic code .. one for part and one for assembly ... it is just 2 click with the mouse .. so it most be simple but I do not know the code for it

Message 6 of 18

@Darkforce_the_ilogic_guy ,


Try below iLogic code for assembly document.


        Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument
	oAssyDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

	'define the appearance library
	Dim oLib As AssetLibrary
	oLib = ThisApplication.AssetLibraries("Autodesk Appearance Library")

	'make sure colors are in assembly doc
	Dim libAsset As Asset
	libAsset = oLib.AppearanceAssets.Item("Steel") 

	Dim localAsset As Asset 
		localAsset = oAssyDoc.Assets.Item("Steel") 
		localAsset = libAsset.CopyTo(oAssyDoc)
	End Try 
oAssyDoc.ActiveAppearance = localAsset



For Part Document

Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument 
	oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 

	'define the appearance library
	Dim oLib As AssetLibrary
	oLib = ThisApplication.AssetLibraries("Autodesk Appearance Library")

	'make sure colors are in assembly doc
	Dim libAsset As Asset
	libAsset = oLib.AppearanceAssets.Item("Steel") 

	Dim localAsset As Asset 
		localAsset = oPartDoc.Assets.Item("Steel") 
		localAsset = libAsset.CopyTo(oPartDoc)
	End Try 
	oPartDoc.ActiveAppearance = localAsset


Thanks and regards,

Developer Advocate
Autodesk Developer Network

Message 7 of 18

I have only test the part function so far ... it is working as i want it to... have not have time to test the assambly jet 

Message 8 of 18

@Darkforce_the_ilogic_guy ,


if it is working for PartDocument, it should work for Assembly as well.


Please let me know if it is not working.


Thanks and regards,

Developer Advocate
Autodesk Developer Network

Message 9 of 18

I can´t get it to work.. it seems that you have to change colour on en asammebly componemt(hope it is the right word)  not on some the hole assembly as you can with the part.. think it might have to you a while loop to go throungt all of them one by one... hope it can be not on only the toplevel.. not all the way down in the sub assembly.


You know how to do that ?

Message 10 of 18

@Darkforce_the_ilogic_guy ,


It seems that appearance of assembly is not allowed to change through UI. Can you please confirm the same?


Thanks and regards,

Developer Advocate
Autodesk Developer Network

Message 11 of 18


I also found it is not working. I moved steel from library to favorites. then it worked. Only for the part, anyway.

Message 12 of 18
in reply to: Sergio.D.Suárez

Thank you so much for your work.
Message 13 of 18
in reply to: Sergio.D.Suárez

@Sergio.D.Suárez- I can't thank you enough. I've searched far and wide to find a method to update a parts appearance from within an assembly based iLogic rule - and you've given the perfect example of how to do so.



ActiveRenderStyle! Not Color, or PartColor, or Appearance, or iProperty.Color.Appearance. ... no, it was "ActiveRenderStyle" all along!!! No wonder I'm losing my hair...


Thank you kindly again! :hot_beverage:

Message 14 of 18

This is a very old tread .. but I have develope  something like I wanted  today . I will try add some of the code seens I have add a lot more to the code today .. hope you can use it ... If need more of help to use it for your project .. write here again and I will try to make a code that work for you

Sub AddsurfaceAssembly()
	Dim NameList As New ArrayList()
NameList.Add("Colour 1		Basic colour for chassis, etc.")'Colour Ral 7035 OR RAL 9010
NameList.Add("Colour 2 		Basic colour for moving parts.")'Colour Ral 7037 OR RAL 5003
NameList.Add("RAL 1028	Melon yellow")
NameList.Add("RAL 5003 	Sapphire blue")
NameList.Add("RAL 9005	Jet black")
NameList.Add("RAL 9010 	Pure white")
NameList.Add("Electro galvanized	Preferable/Cheapest")'Eletro Galvanizes
NameList.Add("Hot dip galvanized 	Outdoor Use")'Hot Dip galvanized
NameList.Add("Hardened	Set specifications on Drawing")
'NameList.Add("Shot blasted")

'NameList.Add("Do not select")

Dim msg As String
	msg = ("Surface needed - Select Surface " & vbLf & "Part Numner: "+iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")& vbLf & "Description: "+iProperties.Value("Project", "Description")& vbLf & "Title: "+ iProperties.Value("Summary", "Title")& vbLf).ToString

	d0 = InputListBox(msg, NameList, d0, Title := "Info - Surface needed", ListName := "Surface")
	' iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
	'Tilføj farve 
	 If d0 = "Do not select" Then

	 'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
	 End If 
	'find Document type
	Dim doc = ThisDoc.Document
	Dim sDocumentSubType As String = doc.SubType
	If sDocumentSubType <> "{4D29B490-49B2-11D0-93C3-7E0706000000}"  And  sDocumentSubType <>"{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Then '  = "Part"
	debug("Colour Assambly")
	Dim oAsmCompDef 'As AssemblyComponentDefinition
	debug("Loading Variable Finish 0,5")
oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition 


debug("Loading Variable Finish 1")
'define view rep collection
Dim oViewReps As DesignViewRepresentations
oViewReps = oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations

debug("Loading Variable Finish 2")
'define view rep 
Dim oViewRep As DesignViewRepresentation
debug("Loading Variable Finish 3")

Dim NumberOfView = oViewReps.Count
' get Manager of Representations
debug("Loading Variable Finish 4")
 Dim dViewRepMgr As RepresentationsManager
 dViewRepMgr = oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager
 debug("Loading Variable Finish 5")
 'Get active Representation View
 Dim dViewRep As DesignViewRepresentation
 dViewRep = dViewRepMgr.ActiveDesignViewRepresentation
 debug("Loading Variable Finish 6")
 debug("Loading Variable Finish")

For i = 1 To NumberOfView 
	If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "Raw" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "Galv." Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "Colour 1" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "Colour 2" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 5003" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 9010" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 1028" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 9005"  Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "EG-Galv" Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "HDG-Galv"  Then
debug("chance view")
End if
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True


If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 9010"

End If 

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = "RAL 5003"

End If 

	debug("Run Error Code 7")
	End Try
'Home View
ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item _

'Home View
	debug("Run Error Code 8")
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
End Try

	debug("Run Error Code 9")
	debug("Add Colour to Assambly")
End Try
	End If 
If sDocumentSubType = "{4D29B490-49B2-11D0-93C3-7E0706000000}" Or sDocumentSubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Then '  = "Part"
	debug("Colour Part")

	If d0 = "Colour 1		Basic colour for chassis, etc." Then
		debug("Colour 1 ")
		'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
End If 

If d0 = "Colour 2 		Basic colour for moving parts." Then
	'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
	End If

If d0 = "Galv." Or d0 = "Electro galvanized	Preferable/Cheapest" Or d0 = "Hot dip galvanized 	Outdoor Use" Then
	'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
End If

If d0 = "RAL 1028	Melon yellow" Or d0 = "RAL 9005	Jet black" Or d0 = "RAL 9010 	Pure white"  Or d0 = "RAL 5003 	Sapphire blue" Then
	'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
End If

If d0 = "RAL 5003 Sapphire blue" Then
	'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface") = d0
End If

'gør intet

End If
End Sub
Sub Colour1
	debug("Loading Colour 1")
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument 
	oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 
	oPartDoc =	ThisDoc.Document
	End Try

	'define the appearance library
	Dim oLib As AssetLibrary
	oLib = ThisApplication.AssetLibraries("KallesoeMaterialLibrary")

	'make sure colors are in assembly doc
	Dim libAsset As Asset

	'libAsset = oLib.AppearanceAssets.Item("RAL 9010 Pure white") 
	libAsset = oLib.AppearanceAssets.Item("RAL 7035 Light grey") 
	Dim localAsset As Asset 
		localAsset = oPartDoc.Assets.Item("RAL 7035 Light grey") 
		debug("Run Error Code 10")
		localAsset = libAsset.CopyTo(oPartDoc)
	End Try 
	oPartDoc.ActiveAppearance = localAsset
	Debug("Loading Colour 1 END")
	End Sub



Surfacecolour(ilogic code)


Farvelægge samlinger
Sub Main()		
	Debug("Starting Surfacecolour")
If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="Colour 1" Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 7035 Light grey"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="Colour 2" Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 7037 Dusty grey"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="HDG-Galv"  Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("Galvanized (texture)"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="Galv." Or iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="EG-Galv"   Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="RAL 1028" Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 1028 Melon yellow"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="RAL 9005" Then
debug("Colour 1")

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 9005 Jet black"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="RAL 9010" Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 9010 Pure white"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Surface")="RAL 5003" Then

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
oAsmCompDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Component.Color("RAL 5003 Sapphire blue"
	iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True 


End If

End Sub

Public Sub debug(txt As String)
	Trace.WriteLine("NTI : Colour" & txt)
End Sub



Message 15 of 18

Thank you everyone for the examples in this post.
I would like to do something slightly different than I have seen elsewhere, but I figure there is a good start in this thread, so I decided to post it here.

Occasionally we will append "REF" or "MOCK" or some other descriptors to the file name of a part.  The part number will not have this, only the file name.


I would like to have some code that runs prior to save via a trigger where if the file name ends in REF or MOCK (also Ref, ref, Mock, mock, maybe create a list of "triggers" and if the filename contains a trigger then set a bool to true?), it will prompt the user with a message ("it seems like you have a "REF" or "MOCK" part, would you like to override the color?") and if the user selects "Yes", then the color will be set to "Pink".

Catch:  This rule should work for parts, sheetmetal parts, assemblies, weldments, etc.

Thank you in advance.

Message 16 of 18

Hi @chandra.shekar.g,


Do you also have a part of code for clearing the override on the appearance?

Clear Override cannot be chosen as name





Message 17 of 18

I have this code.. that will remove all Color(will clear override the color) . on all View in the file.. I have try to remove some code that are unit to where i use it .. so I hope i did it right so I did not break the code 😀




For assembly 


	Dim oAsmCompDef 'As AssemblyComponentDefinition

oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
 Dim oViewReps As DesignViewRepresentations
oViewReps = oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations

'define view rep
Dim oViewRep As DesignViewRepresentation

Dim NumberOfView = oViewReps.Count
' get Manager of Representations

 Dim dViewRepMgr As RepresentationsManager
 dViewRepMgr = oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager

 'Get active Representation View
 Dim dViewRep As DesignViewRepresentation
 dViewRep = dViewRepMgr.ActiveDesignViewRepresentation


For i = 1 To NumberOfView


Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisDoc.Document

Dim objColl As ObjectCollection 
objColl = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection 

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrence
For Each oOccurrence In oAsmCompDef.Occurrences

	Call objColl.Add(oOccurrence)

 iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True

iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True




For Part


Sub Main

Dim doc = ThisDoc.Document
	Dim sDocumentSubType As String = doc.SubType
	doc.AppearanceSourceType = AppearanceSourceTypeEnum.kMaterialAppearance
	If sDocumentSubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Or sDocumentSubType = "{4D29B490-49B2-11D0-93C3-7E0706000000}" Then  	' = "Sheet Metal and Part"
	End If
	End Sub 
	Public Sub debug(txt As String)
	Trace.WriteLine("NTI : " & txt)
End Sub
	Sub ChangeView
	'''New Code Begun
	''' Here
	debug("Start Run Function Change View")
	Dim doc As PartDocument
 doc = ThisDoc.Document
 debug("Load This Document Variabel")
 ' get AssemblyComponentDefinition
 Dim partDef As PartComponentDefinition 
 partDef = doc.ComponentDefinition
 debug("Loaded Variabel 2")
 ' get Manager of Representations
 Dim dViewRepMgr As RepresentationsManager
  dViewRepMgr = partDef.RepresentationsManager
debug("Loaded Variabel 3")
Dim dViewRep As DesignViewRepresentation
 dViewRep = dViewRepMgr.ActiveDesignViewRepresentation
 debug("Loaded Variabel 4")
Dim oName As String 
oName = dViewRep.Name 
debug("Loaded Variabel 5")
' get the first Representation view
  dViewRep = dViewRepMgr.DesignViewRepresentations.Item(oName)		
	'New code Ende
'set a reference to the part component definintion.

'Dim oPartCompDef As PartComponentDefinition

'oPartCompDef = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinition
debug("Loaded Variabel 6")
'define view rep collection
Dim oViewReps As DesignViewRepresentations
oViewReps = partDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations'oPartCompDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations
debug("Loaded Variabel 7")
Dim NumberOfView = oViewReps.Count
debug("Loading Variable Change view")
For i = 1 To NumberOfView 
debug("Run For LOOP")	
debug("Run For LOOP2")	



iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True


debug("Run Error Code 13")
End Try

	debug("Run Error Code 14")
End Try
End Sub 

Sub ClearOverride
	Dim doc = ThisDoc.Document
	doc.AppearanceSourceType = AppearanceSourceTypeEnum.kMaterialAppearance
	End Sub


Message 18 of 18

Hi @Darkforce_the_ilogic_guy,

Thanks for your reply.


I found the solution to my problem:


'clear override material appearence
'Found at:

Dim oDoc As PartDocument 
 	oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 
oDoc.AppearanceSourceType = AppearanceSourceTypeEnum.kMaterialAppearance



This will do the trick.

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