Hide nodes Browserfolder


Hide nodes Browserfolder

Not applicable

Hi All ,


I have a question about browserfolders in inventor.


I have a code that hide the content (parts / component patterns) of a browserfolder and set bomstructure to reference in this folder .


But i want to specify it also for a Sub_Folder in this folder by giving the foldername as a argument.


1. when its a first level folder        : hide everything and set bomstructure in this folder (include the child subfolders)

2. When its a second  level folder : hide everything and set bomstructure ONLY in this folder


Below the code for case 1 (maby can be better) , cause a subfolder didn't hide

Private Sub SetFolderVisibility(ByVal FolderName As String, ByVal Visibility As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next

Dim oAssyDoc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document 
oPane = ThisDoc.Document.BrowserPanes("Model")

'Get the browser folder object
oFolder = oPane.TopNode.BrowserFolders.Item(FolderName) 

'Get the set of nodes in the folder
oFolderNodes = oFolder.BrowserNode.BrowserNodes 

'Cycle through each browser node in the folder
	For Each oNode As BrowserNode In oFolderNodes 
		oComp = oNode.NativeObject
		'set Visibility folder contents		
	If Visibility = True Then
                oComp.BOMStructure = Inventor.BOMStructureEnum.kDefaultBOMStructure
                oComp.Visible = True	
                oComp.BOMStructure = Inventor.BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructure
                oComp.Visible = False		
        End If			   
	Dim oOccurrencePattern As Inventor.OccurrencePattern = Nothing
	Dim OccurrencePatternName As String  
	For Each oOccurrencePattern In oAssyDoc.ComponentDefinition.OccurrencePatterns
		Dim oOccurrencePatternElement As Inventor.OccurrencePatternElement
		For Each oOccurrencePatternElement In oOccurrencePattern.OccurrencePatternElements
			Dim oOcc As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
			oOcc.Name = OccurrencePatternName
			For Each oOcc In oOccurrencePatternElement.Occurrences
				If oOcc.Visible = True Then
					oOcc.BOMStructure = Inventor.BOMStructureEnum.kDefaultBOMStructure
				Else If oOcc.Visible = False
					oOcc.BOMStructure = Inventor.BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructure   
				End If

End Sub	



Thx for helping me

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