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Drawing View Perspective

Message 1 of 5
984 Views, 4 Replies

Drawing View Perspective



In most of my drawings, I have one isometric drawing view that needs to be shaded and put into a perspective view. I am able to isolate the drawing view and shade it but I can't for the life of me find a way to change it into perspective view. I've tried using cameras, but it only seemed to change the whole sheet into perspetive view. Can anyone shed some light on how I would be able to change one particular drawing view into perspective if its even possible?


Thanks, Odi


Here's my code so far


For Each oSheet In DFDoc.Sheets
For Each oView In oSheet.DrawingViews
If oView.ViewType = 10504 And oView.ViewOrientationFromBase = False Then
oView.ViewStyle = DrawingViewStyleEnum.kShadedDrawingViewStyle

'CODE: Change drawing view from orthographic to perspective
End If

Message 2 of 5
in reply to: odilon_b87

Try it this way.


Dim oDDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisDrawing.Document
Dim oCDs As ControlDefinitions = ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions
Dim oOType As ViewOrientationTypeEnum
For Each oSheet As Sheet In oDDoc.Sheets
	For Each oView As DrawingView In oSheet.DrawingViews
		oOType = oView.Camera.ViewOrientationType
		If oOType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kIsoBottomLeftViewOrientation Or _
			oOType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kIsoBottomRightViewOrientation Or _
			oOType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kIsoTopLeftViewOrientation Or _
			oOType = ViewOrientationTypeEnum.kIsoTopRightViewOrientation And _
			oView.ViewOrientationFromBase = False Then
			oView.ViewStyle = DrawingViewStyleEnum.kShadedDrawingViewStyle
		End If


I hope this helps.
If this solves your problem, or answers your questions, please click 'Accept As Solution".
Or, if this helps you reach your goal, please click 'LIKES" 👍.


Also, if you're interested, here are a few of the 'Ideas' I'd like to get implemented.
If you agree with any of them, please vote for them.

  • Add more capabilities to the 'Customize' dialog box (exe. Add Tab & Add Panel) Click Here
  • Constrain & Dimension Images In Assembly Sketches & Drawing Sketches (TitleBlocks & SketchedSymbols) Click Here
  • Save Section View Status In DesignViewRepresentation (So It Can Be Used In The Drawing) Click Here
  • Add SolidBodies Folder In iLogic Rule Editor Model Tab Click Here
  • Convert All Views To Raster Before Autosave Stores To 'OldVersions' Folder Click Here
  • SetDesignViewRepresentation - Fix limitations for DrawingView of a Part Click Here
  • Create DocumentSubTypeEnum Click Here
  • Add kRevisionTag or kDrawingRevisionTag to ObjectTypeEnum Click Here

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Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 3 of 5
in reply to: WCrihfield

Thank you, this solution worked a treat.

Message 4 of 5

Do you mean that this code chnage the IsoView to a true perspactive one?

is it possible to change a custom view saved in the design Area too?


and if yes, how do you play those lines of code?


Many Thanks

Message 5 of 5

Hi @jean-michel_legoff.  Are you just trying to toggle the [Orthographic/Perspective/Perspective with Ortho Faces] setting within a normal model (part or assembly) view (not a view in a drawing)?  If so, I know of two or three ways to do it manually, but honestly haven't ever tried doing it by code, because I simply never had the need to.

However, here are the only 6 command names I could find related to this action.



And here is an iLogic rule example that attempts to use execute one of them to perform the action.

oView = ThisApplication.ActiveView
oPerspectiveOn = oView.Camera.Perspective
oCDs = ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions
oOrthoCam = oCDs.Item("AppOrthographicCameraCmd")
oPerspectiveCam = oCDs.Item("AppPerspectiveCameraCmd")
oPerspectiveOrthoCam = oCDs.Item("AppPerspectiveOrthoCameraCmd")

oVCubeOrtho = oCDs.Item("AppViewCubeOrthographicCmd")
oVCubePerspective = oCDs.Item("AppViewCubePerspectiveCmd")
oVCubePerspectiveOrtho = oCDs.Item("AppViewCubePerspectiveOrthoCmd")

'example of executing one of them

If this helped you, please click (LIKE or KUDOS) 👍.

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

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