If you want to use a program to create new materials, here's the example
from the programming help.
Public Sub CreateMaterial()
' Set a reference to the part document.
' This assumes a part document is active.
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
' Create a new material.
Dim oNewMaterial As Material
Set oNewMaterial = oPartDoc.Materials.Add("My Material", 11.37)
' Define the other properties of the material
oNewMaterial.LinearExpansion = 5.73
oNewMaterial.PoissonsRatio = 0.38
' Arbitrarily assigns the first render style in the render styles
oNewMaterial.RenderStyle = oPartDoc.RenderStyles.Item(1)
oNewMaterial.SpecificHeat = 124.3
oNewMaterial.ThermalConductivity = 310.2
oNewMaterial.UltimateTensileStrength = 210.45
oNewMaterial.YieldStrength = 185.5
oNewMaterial.YoungsModulus = 76.37
End Sub
If you want to create new materials using the user-interface use the "Style
and Standard Editor..." command from the Format menu in Inventor. From here
you can manage all of the colors and materials that are available.
Brian Ekins
Autodesk Inventor API