Hi @JKunHN5NJ. Actually, there is a fairly easy way to bring in a list of parameters from an Excel file into Inventor, but I would not call it 'importing'. It is more like 'linking' or 'embedding', which may not be as good of an option, but can often get the job done. When you go into your Parameters dialog, click on the 'Link' button. In the dialog that comes up, there is a setting you can toggle (Link or Embed). There is also a 'Start Cell' setting, where you can specify which cell to start copying in parameter data from, within the selected Excel file. The Excel sheet in this file should be laid out a certain way for this to work. The first column is for parameter names to be listed. The next column to the right is for the values. I don't think there can not be any empty rows between the parameters you want to bring in. There is likely more to the layout possibilities, but that can be discussed later, if necessary. Once you click Open, it will create all those parameters within your Parameters dialog. However, they will be mostly greyed out, and will not let you edit their names or values, but will let you edit which ones are Key or to be Exported. If you chose to 'embed' the Excel file, the parameter table created will be labeled something like "Embedding 1" by default, but if you chose to 'link' the Excel file, the group will be labeled with the full path and file name of the Excel file. If you need to be able to edit their names or values, you can then right-click on them and choose "Add To User Parameters", which will move them from that group over into the regular User Parameters group. But if you choose "Copy To User Parameters", it will create a slightly renamed copy of the Parameter to the User Parameters group. Then they can be edited. And if that's too many right-clicks, you could also use an iLogic rule to do the whole process a bit more cleanly.
Wesley Crihfield

(Not an Autodesk Employee)