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What files to provide when the model is needed

Autodesk Support

What files to provide when the model is needed

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

It is often helpful to receive the model so that someone can look at the Nastran setup. The question is, what files need to be sent to see the input for the Inventor Nastran environment?


  • If the model is a single part file, attach the .ipt file to the forum.
  • If the model is an assembly (.iam), it is best to use the Pack and Go command to be sure to get all the files. See the steps below. (For a model with only a few part files, it may be just as easy to compress the assembly file(s), .iam, and part files, .ipt, and attach the compressed file to the forum.)
  1. “File > Save As > Pack and Go”
  2. Specify the Destination Folder. Specify a new folder (or an empty folder) such as “C:\Nastran model\Project ABC”.
  3. Set the following “Options”:
    1. “Keep Folder Hierarchy”
    2. “Model files Only”
    3. Check "Skip Libraries"
    4. Check “Skip Styles”
    5. Check “Skip Templates”
    6. Check “Package as .zip”.
  4. Click “Search Now”. The “Files Found” list will give all the assembly (.iam) and part (.ipt) files used in the model.
  5. Click “Start” to copy the files to the Destination Folder and zip them.
  6. Click “Done” to close the Pack and Go dialog.
  7. The parent folder of the Destination Folder will include the .zip file. The zip file will have the name of the destination folder. For example, “C:\Nastran model” would have a file named “Project”. “Project” would include all the Inventor files so that other users can open the model. Provide this zip file.
  8. Indicate what file to open; that is, what is the name of the assembly or part file to open. (Sometimes we get models with a dozen assembly files and dozens of folders, and we must guess which file has the model of interest.)

how to create a pack and go.png


Occasionally, getting the actual Nastran files may be requested. These files are located in the "modelname > InCAD > FEA" folder. When viewing the files with Windows File Explorer, make sure the "View > Show/hide > File name extensions" is checked so that you can see the three-letter extensions. The possible files of interest are:

  • Nastran file (.nas) which is the model that the Nastran solver reads.
  • Log file (.log) which contains general feedback from the analysis.
  • Output file (.out) which contains more detailed feedback from the analysis.
  • Binary results file (.fno) which is usually too large to send, but if the analysis takes a long time to run, having the results can save time.


John Holtz, P.E.

Global Product Support
Autodesk, Inc.

If not provided already, be sure to indicate the version of Inventor Nastran you are using!

"The knowledge you seek is at" - Confucius 😉
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