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Update the dimension system!

Update the dimension system!

Things that should be possible, but are not at present:


-Proper imperial dimension formatting. For example: 12'-0 1/2". That is the proper way to write it, NOT 12'-1/2". Trailing zero's was a good step, but it fails if 0 isn't the last character. 


-Dimension text masking out the background should be a toggle setting. ON/OFF. I happen to be OK with it but loads of other people want the ability to turn it off - same with text boxes.


-DUAL Dimensions. ISO is irrelevant here. Nothing says you can't surpass the ISO requirements. Dual dimensions should have one dimension above the line and a second dimension below the line and the line should be visible between them. All flavors of AutoCAD, Revit, Solid Works, and Pro/E have this ability. Inventor inexplicably does not.


-If you can hide the extension lines of a dimension, and you can hide the arrowheads of a dimension, you should also be able to hide the dimension line itself. Clearly, with the others being toggle-able, the infrastructure is there...


-Add a radial dimension system. Having to manually write 30 degrees at the end of a radial center line invites mistakes and typos.


If anyone has more, please add them. If i need to add them to the OP I will.


Hi @mslosar. Make sure and vote for your last suggestion here if you haven't already: Angular Ordinate dimensions.


Also, the first one is already possible. Simply set your Linear units to "ft" and make sure both "Trailing Zeros" and "Included Zeros" are checked.



Thing is with that fix you have to have 2 dimension styles.


People want 12'-0 1/2" which you can get (i go this a bit backwards in my head). However, when using that style, anything under a foot comes out as 0'-7 3/4". No one really wants that. So, yeah, you can make two dimension styles to take care of it (which, 1. is annoying, and 2. you shouldn't have to). BIgger problem is the parts list where you can only do one or the other if you have a length or width column (we have both).

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