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Temporary change of 3d model background during print

Temporary change of 3d model background during print

When a drawing is being printing, inventor can't change part's background temporarily.

So I always change the background in the application option > color tab.

If Inventor have the transparency option for print, it can be saved time.


like an excel function 'select transparent color'(attached image). 


excel function.png


I can't edit above content..

I mean that When a drawing or 3d model is being printing, inventor can't change part's background temporarily.
The option will be helpful all time of print.


I agree with you, wish it did not print the background.


Until they add it:

Inventor does have a "presentation" color scheme  that has a white background.  This is what I use when I want to print and not print my background color. Rather than having to change back and fourth before and after printing, I have created a short iLogic rule to do it for me. Of course, I have to run the rule, but that is quicker than going to Tools >Application options, Colors Tab and selecting the color scheme.


'set to use one color back ground type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = _

'get user input
oScheme = New String(){"Shaded", "Presentation", "Wireframe"}
oShaded = InputListBox("Select Environment", oScheme, "", Title := "Change Visual Environment", ListName := "Available Environments")

'oShaded = InputRadioBox("Select a visual style", "Shaded", "Wireframe", _
'True, "iLogic")

'set display mode and color scheme
Dim oView As View = ThisApplication.ActiveView
If oShaded = "Shaded" Then
	oView.DisplayMode = DisplayModeEnum.kShadedWithEdgesRendering
	'EasyStreet Normal Background
	ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.Item("Copy of Millennium (EasyStreet)").Activate 	
End If
If oShaded = "Presentation" Then
	oView.DisplayMode = DisplayModeEnum.kShadedWithEdgesRendering
	'White background
End If	
If oShaded = "Wireframe" Then
	oView.DisplayMode = DisplayModeEnum.kWireframeNoHiddenEdges
	'White background, Wireframe
End If


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