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Shared Views Should Remain in Inventor After Expiration

Shared Views Should Remain in Inventor After Expiration



Good morning!  I've been playing with Shared Views and can see them as a good feature for some collaborative situations, but I've noticed that they completely disappear after the expiration date.  Not only is the link to the other party gone, but the shared view is completely removed from the host Inventor session as well (please see this forum post).  While I think the link expiring is just fine, I think we should be able to keep the shared view in Inventor to preserve any markups or commentary attached to that view.  If anyone has any questions or comments, please let me know.  Hope all is well and have a most blessed day!





To add to this I would like to see the option to disable the expiration date of a shared view.  I have customers who have projects that could be placed on hold or in review for longer than a month, in this time the view would expire and the information lost.  Currently having to extend the expiration date for each view is an extra overhead for designers and can be avoided.


If I may add to this...

Agree with all of the above. We need ability to save the viewable and comments.

If you haven't looked at Fusion Team, take a look. It takes Shared Views to a new level.

If we can't save the shared views in Inventor, would like the ability to save to Fusion Team.

It's all the same servers, just make the connection


Please give us the ability to save that history somewhere to retain that history.



Steve H. 


Maybe a solution?
I succeed making a code, which i able to generate the shared view:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Sub Main()
Dim oCommandMgr As CommandManager 
    oCommandMgr = ThisApplication.CommandManager 
Dim oControlDef As ControlDefinition 
    oControlDef = oCommandMgr.ControlDefinitions.Item("cmdCreateViewShare")
 	'Generate shared view
    SendKeys.SendWait("{TAB 4}{ENTER}")
End Sub

I would like to automaticly get the link to the shared view:
By using the keys I am able to do it, but when writing it into ilogic, its not working properly:

'Copy link to clipboard - Is not working
	Dim SharedViewLink As String
	SendKeys.SendWait("{TAB 3}{ENTER}")
	SharedViewLink = Clipboard.GetText
	MessageBox.Show(SharedViewLink, "Shared view link"

 Can anyone help to make this last bit fully automated?

Best regards Emil Jakobsen


@petestrycharske great suggestion. While I totally understand the desire to have "expired" data removed from server, we regularly experience clients that we have shared views with ask that we re-share because they have expired.


The ability to quickly regenerate -or- have an extended expiration date would be very helpful indeed.

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