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WHAT IS FILTERED FOR THE CORRECT DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW DEVICE: WHY IS IMPORTANT FILTRATION? DRAWING IS FOR TECHNOLOGY readable ITEMS ARE BETTER Schedules TO PURCHASE, INVENTOR TO BE OPEN TO ALL not just for the biggest companies with established information systems, many manufacturing firms would this improvement has brought greater visibility in the items, and thus could increase their EFETIVITU, BIGGER INTEREST IN THE INVENTORY PROGRAM IN VARIABILITY OPTIONS 1.1. DRAWINGS 1.1.1. WELDING 1.1.2. CAST STEEL 1.1.3. PRESSED ITEMS 1.1.4. OTHER TYPE OF PRODUCTION 1.2. SHEET METAL 1.2.1. STANDARDS 1.2.2. METAL SHEET THICKNESS 1.2.3. PLATE WEIGHT 1.3. PIPE 1.3.1. STANDARDS 1.3.2. TUBE SIZE 1.3.3. LENGTH 1.4. PROFILE 1.4.1. STANDARDS 1.4.2. PROFIL SIZE 1.4.3. LENGTH 1.5. GEARBOXES, COUPLINGS, AND OTHERS 1.6. SCREWS 1.6.1. STANDARDS 1.6.2. SIZE 1.6.3. LENGTH 1.7. NUT 1.7.1. STANDARDS 1.7.2. SIZE 1.8. WASHERS 1.8.1. STANDARDS 1.8.2. SIZE
Thank you very much. I will try to provide more information.
When I create a big machine. I need BOM to have more sort. When I set more sort, BOM is clear. First sorting drawings, then other items. When I take the highest assembly and I have set for shifting more sort, I will very soon be printed right BOM. When I don't have more sort I have to export to excel. I have to use a contingency table from Excel. If there was more sorting, then it would be great.
For BOM, Part List
1) possibility save sort as Hole, Surface, Welding and Other
2) Add unlimited sort
3) The possibility Export settings
4) Possibility Settings save in Style and standard Editor
It is for more sorts. When I set more sort, then I open another project for another customer and it will want a different sorting, so I will be able to switch to the sort set.
I need 28 keys. As I said in the comments above. 12-04-2018 07:30 AM. Above are listed the item for sorting. When I do the machines it would help. I think not only helped me but more people. What do you think it's possible?
Thanks @dusan.naus.trz . Yes, I think it's possible. Sorry, I didn't understand your 12-04-2018 comment. Is grouping more important to you than sorting? Do you also need 28 columns for sorting?
Yes you are right. When I sort must have a BOM column, otherwise I can not sort. The same is true for Part List. It would be good if the columns could not be displayed. What do you think? Do we both think of the same thing? Or did I misunderstand you? Or, the column settings would be grayed out in the Part List window and not shown in the drawing.
Yes. Now there is a limitation that the column must exist, and then I can select sort. When I print a parts list, I don't need to have columns to sort by. Important columns are just some, other columns for sort may not be seen in the drawing. These columns could be gray or not displayed.
I think I see: you want to sort by some visible columns, but also by some that are only in the BOM but don't actually show up in the parts list on the sheet. Even though the columns are not actually shown, the order is important.
What is the total number of columns that you want to sort by?
I'll make an example with a picture for BOM and Part List. I'll have it done, then I'll write. Thank you for now. Hours here 1:19, please don't be angry. I'll make a picture and then send .-)
Hi, @MjDeck when you have time, please see the pictures. Thank you. I'm not sure, what the highest number I need for sorting. I'd have to try and add or remove the number by sort. When I don't need to display columns in a Parts List. Pictures 2 and 3.
Hi, The additional button with the "change sort" is for moving up and down. When the move changes, my order number is where I have the sort value.
Please imagine. You set 10 sorts. Then you want to change the number 3 order (sort). Then you have to click on each order from 3 to 10 before you change everything. If you can move the order, it is more efficient. What do you think?