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mirror assembly orientation

mirror assembly orientation

When mirroring assemblies, Inventor doesn´t care really about it´s orientation to the planes. Probably because most users work in mechanical engineering. But for users like me who work in shopfitting or furniture construction, it might be useful that all parts are aligned with the floor, and that means that the XY-plane is always the bottom of the part.

So when mirroring assemblies, the result is not as wanted.

A simple example (please pay attention to the xy-plane and the view on the cube - that´s how I want it):

"assembly-front" (picture 2) includes "basis-front" (picture 1) with an assembled "part-front". I want to mirror that assembly, so that the result would be "assembly-back" (picture 4) and the new "basis-back" (picture 3). Please note that the alignment to the xy-plane and the top-view is the same in every drawing.

But when I use the mirror-command, the result is "assembly-front_MIR" (picture 7), in which I have to correct the top-view.

More annoying is the new created file "basis-front_MIR" (picture 8), in which the volume is completely misaligned in space. It´s impossible to correct that by using the rotation in the direct editing, because then the orientation in the assembly get´s completely out of control.

So please make it possible (maybe just as an option in the mirror-dialog) to apply the settings of the original (top-view and orientation to the planes) when using the mirror-command !!

basis-frontbasis-frontassembly-frontassembly-frontbasis-backbasis-backassembly-backassembly-backmirror-command 1mirror-command 1mirror-command 2mirror-command 2assembly-front_MIR (view corrected)assembly-front_MIR (view corrected)basis-front_MIR (wrong orientation in space)basis-front_MIR (wrong orientation in space)


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