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Submitted byAnonymouson04-11-201510:06 AM
Gathering Support
Make inventor respecting the history
Following examples are easy to fix, but you can´t imagine what a huge mess this behavior can create in some complicated casting with many internal ribs.
I think that the behavior is not wrong. Because the redefined sketch must not be parallel to the previous one. What type of an algoritm could it be when two sketches are not parallel to each other?
Nevertheless, there might be an exception of the behavior of this command just for parallelly-redefined-sketches. This type of an artificial behavior would make the command more "friendly".
This is little bit hard for me to describe since English is not my native language, but relation of planes is not exactly what I mean. Problem is respecting the history, this is why I named it like that. If I redefine the sketch plane , Inventor should act like there was NO previous sketch plane definition, so any relation between these two is IMO irrelevant ,simply because Inventor should not even know that there was some previously defined sketch plane. It should simply project all projected curves on that plane (what ever curves they are) . There is no reason why these projected curves are suddenly not-projected and in position that doesn´t correspond with projection direction.
I think the reason for the current behavior is the coordinate system for the sketch is based off of the plane actually selected. In order for it to accomplish what you want it would have to have a consistant coordinate system for sketches, with varying normal directions.
This could kinda work. When a sketch is defined it uses the parts orgin as it's starting point, then rotate the coordinate system so the postive z direction matches the normal of the selected plane and the sketch plane being coincident with the selected plane with it's origin always project from the part origin and that being the origin.
The problem is what does the x and y axis align to if aligned at all since the are rotating about the z axis? If the can be relatively constant or follow strict rules such that any plane that is parallel to each other the x and y axis is aligned just at different z heights. Then sketches can behave in a manner you described.
Of course, this is for parts' origins, yours is sketchs' origins...
I really understand your proposed technique (using common -projected- origins for all sketches), however I think that this technique is still doesn't behave like the way you desire. Am I wrong? In other words, this technique does also not give us meaningful results when the redefined sketch is not paralel to the original one. My hand drawing-answer is still valid...