Have you ever wanted to…
- Put the Item # and Quantity of a Part on its own Detail drawing?
- Make Item #'s be consistent throughout drawings where the same parts appear in more than one assembly?
- Find out quickly where a Part is used (which Drawings and Assemblies contain it)?
- Rename or move a Part without its parent Drawings/Assemblies losing reference?
The reason none of these are possible is that “child” files (such as Parts) do not know ALL of the relevant information about themselves. While most information about a Part is stored in the Part itself (geometry, material, Part Number, Description, etc.), some crucial information is only known at the assembly level, such as:
- Its Parent assemblies (and their location)
- Its Item # in its parent assemblies
- Its Quantity in its parent assemblies
We need a way for Parts to be able to check “upstream” in order to find out assembly-level information about themselves.
The solution: File references should be bi-directional, such that both the parent AND the child are aware of the relationship.
This would allow the child to:
- “Find” the parent
- “Ask” the parent for upstream information about itself (such as Item # and quantity)
- “Inform” the parent about changes to itself (such as location or filename).
Basically, with a new upstream-reference capability, we could do all of the things I listed at the top, and more.