At first, let me tell, that - unlike some other experienced users - I'm impressed of Joints. Relationships in assemblies can be compressed by use of Joints, because a single Joint can do the same as 3 Mate or Flush constraints.
That's the situation, if box-type components are used without any fillets of edges. If fillets are placed, actual Joints between these parts are hard work.
Therefore I'd like to have a Brick Mode option in Joint placement. See picture.
If Brick Mode is active, point placement between two parts can be done by selecting a face for Joint indicator orientation, and after that for one edge point. Same procedure is needed for the second part, after that direction needs a switch in only a few cases. See placement between A and B.
More difficult is placement of the green part, because of the offset edges. Here I could think of selecting 3 faces (C1, C2, C3) for the edge point, and then selection of D1, D2 for the other point.
That's the idea. I think, I'm still missing some problems. But should it be buried here?
Thanks for Kudos, if you like it.