I have a Nvidia RTX 6000, 24GB GPU, which is no use at all with inventor studio.
Regularly I have to render animations for revolving 3D models / Assemblies to create 10 sec videos.
This can take 30-60Hrs at 24fps with 300 render iterations, to get a reasonably clear high quality image.
I have 3DS MAX as part of the PD&MC package, But I don't want to have to change software to just do a render using my GPU.
& when i have put an inventor assembly into 3DS MAX, I am told materials / finishes would not cross over, this is ridiculous since they are both Autodesk products, & i don't have time to re-assign materials ect. to hundreds sometimes thousands of parts! & as a mechanical engineer in my field I have no need for 3DS MAX.
Inventor needs the ability yesterday, which has been brought up time & time again in discussions, to use high powered GPU's like my Nvidia RTX6000 for inventor studio still & animation rendering in inventor studio.
Having the ability to use the whole 24GB power of my GPU would reduce my rendering time to minutes / a few hrs.
Also there is no ability rendering in inventor to re-start a render from a specific frame after a power cut, like in 3DS MAX, and you have to re-start the render from the beginning, not cool, when you have been rendering for 40hrs and are an hr from finishing, with client deadlines to meet!!