Let us users decide what keys we want to see in that size selection box vs. having it hard coded based on keys of the family. If we place the members from CC without using FG, then we can control what exactly we see with the keys, but if then we want to go and place using FG, we will get unexpected results and it appends keys together with an "x" that doesn't even space out correctly.
We have to change the G_D column to see what we want in the size selection. For instance, we use several different materials of angles, and I have added all of them to the family table. So, I altered the G_D column to add the material up front so the user knows what material angle is being selected and the material selection in the FG dialog box will auto update. This allows the users to only focus on selecting the type and material in 1 line vs selecting an angle and then choosing rubber.
I may not want to have the material display in the description of the angle when placing from CC. But if I choose a different key column for that, then it appends that to the size selection of FG. We are kind of limited at this point.
Below is an example, We can choose between equal and unequal, and material and size and the material selection will auto update. The G_D column was modified to show the material up front
I don't want the material to appear up front in the designation, even if I have chosen a different key to add here that doesn't have it (description for instance), the description will then be appended to the G_D column when placing from FG and have a double readout..
Hope that all makes sense.