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Button To Duplicate Controlled Component Rotation After Insertion

Button To Duplicate Controlled Component Rotation After Insertion

I want a built-in tool button that will replicate the same (or much better) functionality as when you have chosen a component to insert into an assembly, then you right-click just before placing it (as seen in the image below).  But this tool button can be used later, after you have already placed the component into the assembly (such as if you copy / pasted it in, or drag & dropped it in, missing out on this behavior).


So, I want to be able to pre-select an unconstrained component, or click the button to start the command, then select the component, then have these options readily available to quickly rotate the component around any of its axes.  Having more options than just 90 degree rotations would be great too.  I know we can use the 'Free Rotate' command, but that is 'free', so it does not allow precise rotation by a set amount of degrees, and does not allow you to choose one of the component's own axes to control its rotation by.  That component insertion behavior is super useful, but sometimes I copy and paste a bunch of components into an assembly quickly or I drag and drop multiple components into the assembly directly from a file browser screen.  In those cases, this functionality is 'missed' (does not happen automatically for each one as they are added).  Most of the time my components are already 'squarely' aligned with the assembly's coordinate system, just not always originally designed to already be in the perfect orientation for inserting into every assembly I might use it in.  A tool like this would be super helpful and increase work flow greatly.  Maybe add a several other component orientation related options into the right-click menu while that command is active too, as this tool develops further over time.



I think this may be a development of the Free Rotation tool.


If they did further develop the Free Rotate tool to add this additional functionality / behavior, that would be fine with me.  I just want to be able to initiate this mode / behavior / functionality after the component has already been placed into the assembly, one way or another.  Even if they did have to make a new tool though, and it did not have a visible button on the ribbon to start with, but was only available as an option within the right-click menu when an unconstrained component was selected in an assembly, that would still be at least a good start.

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