The ParkingLot.DDS used by default for Reflectivity and greatly hated by numerous users over the years.
Most often, users have to adjust this in their Application Options menu, but why?
How about saving us the step and get rid of this terrible example of a reflective surface.
I don't know about you, but I know very few who'd accept this on their files:

Every place I go, I have to remember to set the app options for each user from the "Parkinglot.DDS" to the "Chrome.DDS", which looks like this on the same part:

Look, no man on motorcycle and no more Yellow Mini Cooper!
Please, please, please, either get rid of "Parkinglot.DDS" or at the very least, make "Chrome.DDS" as the default!
Come on Man! (now that's a better use for that phrase - inside joke)