The always-visible Sketch tab in IV2015 has affected the use of certain keyboard shortcuts due to duplicate commands. For example, the "C" key once performed both the Center Point Circle function in Sketch mode and the Constraint function in Assembly mode. Since the Sketch tab is always visible, my imported shortcuts are causing a problem: Inventor doesn't know which command I'm requesting and needs further input from the user ("Command alias input" at the bottom of the screen). This requires extra keypresses and really slows down my workflow.
I have been using Inventor for years and many of these commands have become like muscle memory, so simply changing the shortcuts is not preferred (Autodesk seems to have done this for the above example, since the Center Point Circle command now defaults to "CTRL+SHIFT+C"). Adding more shortcuts, as they've done with the SP1 release for the text annotation commands, doesn't properly address the problem either.
I probably constrain a thousand features for every 2D sketch I create in Assembly mode. For those of us who don't need redundant sketch commands at our fingertips, it would be helpful to have the ability to turn off the persistent Sketch tab.
Link to a related discussion on here (I'm not alone): 2015 Bugs with Sketch tab always being visible