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Simple parts with excessive memory usage


Simple parts with excessive memory usage

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I have been using IV 2014 for the past two years, never had major issues. I led the 2015 update slip and just now on Monday got our IT to install the 2016 version.

Working on a simple rod with the new IV I suddenly got freezes and heavily reduced performance even though it was only one part that was opened.

I opened the task manager only to find my 16gb of memory being entirely filled by Inventor 2016. It seemed rather odd to me, so I saved the part and restarted my PC to check whether it would happen again. After the reboot and starting Inventor I opened the file and task manager. As soon as I was hovering with the mouse over the Inventor window the task manager showed a steadily increasing memory usage. Per edge I was crossing with the cursor the RAM increased by at least 10mb.

First thing I did was to check the settings but there's actually nothing that would let IV use such an excessive amount on such a really simple part. 

I restored all settings to default, no change. Made a simple cube, same issue. Had a larger assembly loaded, same issue.

I'm really confused about this, first thing my IT department did was to check system requirements and decided to go for a new machine.

I think the problem is somewhere else.


I think it's ridiculous that for a part of maybe 180 kb there's information stored in the memory that has a volume of more than 13gb.

I don't have a problem with getting a new PC with better specs, but I just don't think it's normal that Inventor does this.


Does anyone have a clue what's going on?



I'm running WIN 7 Professional


Intel Core i3 CPU 550 @3.20Ghz


NVIDIA Quadro FX1800

28GB free on my HDD


8 Replies
Replies (8)

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A guess, but perhaps your graphics card has failed and the computer has resorted to using the onboards graphics card? Never heard of this issue. We changed to 2016 less than 2 weeks ago and it works just fine with no increase on resources that I am aware of. 



I have been running 2016 since it was released on a computer with far lower specs without issue.


First thing I notice is that you do not mention installing Service Pack 1 (although, as I pointed out - I have been running fine since release).

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional


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SP1 is installed, forgot to mention it.

In the past hours the memory was at 11gb sometimes 12 and sometimes dropping a little around 1gb and then slowly rising again, while I was working. So it actually unloads a few files or information from the memory but it just seems crazy to have that amount of information stored while working with only one program (besides Outlook etc.).

So at the moment IV 2016 used 14,9 gb. I opened a few other programs now like Firefox, a few tabs here, Excel, Word, anything to put even more load on the memory. The task manager shows that IV gives up the few mb that the other programs need. But changing back to IV and continuing to work will now fill the memory up to 15,5 gb. Which is around 97,5 % of its space and this obviously slows down the whole system.
Also Inventor is shown with 4 processes in task manager, heaviest with 13,98 gb and the three others with 3,3 to 3,8mb. This used to be just one.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


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Customer Adoption Specialist | Informed Design
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Not sure why you have 4 instances of Inventor running. I would close all instances of Inventor and do a cold boot (full power down) for at least a couple of minutes and then power up.


Try running Inventor withe the "Run as Administrator" option.  

Inventor 2020, In-Cad, Simulation Mechanical

Just insert the picture rather than attaching it as a file
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Delta Tau Chi ΔΤΧ


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Deleting all your temporary files is also a good idea. You may find it is eating gigs of space. Also, by deleting, it saves you the restart in 99/100 of instances. Opening multiple Inventors can result in strange behaviour but closing them and deleting temp files (search for %tmp% as a search string) and delete those files. If you Google it, you'll find out how. 


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As it turned out the problem with multiple processes running occured only a few times.

Yesterday the IT and I cleared the temp-folder and made sure every update is installed. No change.


German Autodesk support advised me to check my memory with "mdsched.exe".
Check BIOS for possible updates.
Open a new User Account on my PC.


So that's on the list today.


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Problem solved thanks to Autodesk Support.


Apparently my graphics card driver was from 2011. Updated it and now memory levels are normal.


Thanks for your help anyway 🙂
Merry Christmas to you all!