Please Help! Breakout View Affecting Material Illumination


Please Help! Breakout View Affecting Material Illumination

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I have an iAssembly, and within it are 2 iParts that have a material of "Snow" applied to them at the part level.  Since apparently Inventor considers white to actually be gray, I have to have self-illumination also applied on this material to actually appear the color it's assigned.  When I instantiate these parts into the assembly and extrude a profile to cut them, I also have to do the run around of re-appying the self-illumination at the assembly level too.  After all that is done, how do I avoid the self-illumination deactivating when I use a breakout tool on a drawing view of this assembly?  I dont see anywhere to edit material at a drawing level.  I should also note that one iPart does this, yet the other does not when I do a breakout on it.  This is massively frustrating and if Inventor would actually show the color WHITE this headache would be avoided.

2 Replies
Replies (2)



did you consider just changing the lights?

View-->Appearance from default to two lights for example. We had that problem with all parts appearing dark color after switching to 2015 and then to 2016, and changing the lights on the template level was a solution.

lights - default.jpglights - two lights.jpg


Win7 64-bit Intel i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
8Gb Ram NVIDIA Quadro FX 2800M
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2016

Not applicable

I have the same irratating problem.  The "Two-Light" solution helps to brighten colors in the Assembly, but doesn't affect the drawing.  When you create an extrusion (at the assembly level) through a component that has a material Self-Illumination, that self illumination is broken and no loger visible (at the assembly level - not part level) until you set that material to have self illumination in the assembly. 


This same thing happens when you do a breakout view in a drawing.  It's as if you need to re-check "Self-Illumination" in the materials in the drawing.  However, that's impossile cuz drawings do have an apprearance browser.  Attached is a drawing view of an assembly with a breakout in one panel.  Both are the same material and both using self-illumination at the part and assembly level.


cut test.png



I use Inventor 2014 if that matters.  Please help someone, anyone!!!