A week or so ago, someone was asking about how to convert iParts to
Normal parts. I just posted a program for doing what I think was asked for:
http://www.cbliss.com/inventor/iCode/iPartsToNormal.zip This is an
Inventor VBA (ivb) file so just drop it in where you keep your macros
and open it with MrMacro or load it into the VBA editor.
If you open an iPart Factory and run this macro, it should (version 1,
right) create all of the child parts and place them in the selected
directory. The "children" will actually be normal parts, not iPart
children. The program is structured to place these parts in a directory
other than your real child parts would be.
I have not tested what happens if you move these parts into a directory
which would normally be your iPart children's; hence I do not know how
well they will replace the originals in assemblies.