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Inventor Drawing View Will Not Change Model State


Inventor Drawing View Will Not Change Model State


I've modeled a part in Inventor that will be cast and then have certain features machined(slots, drilled/tapped holes, etc). I'm using the new model states feature in Inventor 2022 to show the part as cast and then the master model state to represent the final, machined part. 


Now I need to create separate drawings, one for the part when it's cast and another drawing to detail the machined part and features. On Friday, I started a new drawing file and added a view choosing the model state for the cast part then creating projected, section, and iso views from the base view. All of the views were shown in the Cast Model State with no problem and I even added most of the dimensions to the drawing without any problems. I saved everything, shut down for the weekend then come Monday morning I go back to the drawing to continue working on it and all of the views switched to the Master Model State. I checked the part file and the Casting Model State is still there and in the Drawing View Dialog Box>Model State Dropdown menu the casting model state is still an option. I tried editing the view and choosing the Casting Model State but when I do so the drawing goes to a Raster View>I click OK and it stays in Master Model State. When I open the Drawing View Dialog box the Model State has reverted back to Master again. 


Additionally, all of the views need to be in the Casting Model State but are stuck in the Master Model State. The view I've been trying to change is a Parent View. In an attempt to get the correct state showing I've also tried creating a new design view in the part file then choosing it in the drawing and trying to make the representation Associative, both of which have not worked. If I try to edit a Child view the Model State dropdown is grayed out and showing Master. If I choose a Design View other than Master than the Associative check box is available. When the Master Design View is chosen then the Associative check box is also grayed out. 


Can anyone explain why the drawing will not switch Model States and how to get the Model State I need to stick in the drawing?


Thanks in advance!

7 Replies
Replies (7)


UPDATE: It seems that I've been able to get the drawing views to show the correct model state but the solution has resulted in more questions than answers.


In my original question I had mentioned that I created a new design view in my part file. The solution I came up with was to right-click on the view while it was in the Cast Model State>Camera View>Save Current Camera. Next, I went back to the drawing, opened the Drawing View dialog box, and chose the Model State and Design View I needed. Drawing views updated, I saved part and drawing file, closed and reopened Inventor and seems as though the changes stuck and the drawing is what I wanted. 


Even though I got it to work, I'm not sure why it worked. What did Saving the Camera actually do? It also seems unnecessary and poor design to have do that. If I place a drawing view in a Model State it should stay in that Model State and if I want to change Model States I should be able to change it right there in the Drawing View dialog box without having to mess with the part file. Am I right or is there a step or setting or standard workflow that I'm missing that would've resulted in easier control of the Drawing View Model State? Again, if there is it should be changed so that it's more intuitive or the default settings avoid these extra steps.


Additionally, I've noticed a few things that don't entirely make sense to me after saving the camera view. On my Home tab page, under Recent Documents there is the Filename.ipt and Filename.ipt<Casting Model State>. To me, having both of those appear on the Home tab suggests that they're 2 separate files but if I go to my file explorer I only see Filename.ipt. It's my understanding that a major purpose of Model States is to have everything contained in 1 file so having both shown in the Home tab is a little confusing.


In the drawing file's Model browser, each view is now showing Filename.ipt(Casting Model State). This is not a problem but I believe it should have automatically updated when I tried changing the Model State without having to save the camera. 


Finally, in the Replace Model Reference dialog, the FileName shown is Filename.ipt<Casting Model State> and Path directs to simply Filename.ipt. Again this is a little confusing at first as it suggests that there's multiple files for the different model states even though the whole point seems to be that they're all contained within a single file.


This has turned into more of a rant than anything but in short it should be simpler to set the Model State of a Drawing view solely from the Drawing View dialog box and; the Home tab and Replace Model Reference I feel should be changed so as not to suggest there are multiple files. 


If anyone took the time to read all of this and wants to take more time to explain how and why the Model States act as they do and wants to further discuss it would be greatly appreciated!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I believe you are probably seeing a combination of bugs and limitations. It is probably due to the fact that the Model State has not yet been "consumed" and "saved." Try this and see if it works better. When you finish creating Model States, save the part and close. Now start creating drawing views. I believe the behaviors should be more straight forward.

I guess you were actively editing Model State, while you are creating drawing views at the same time. Model States may not have been saved back to the ipt file yet.

If you can share files that exhibit the behaviors, it will be very helpful to find where the problems are.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Having the same issue in R2022.


I can select model states when editing a base view but the change is not applied when hitting OK. Eventually it will just update and work. Usually after closing parts and restarting the program or similar. I have experienced similar behavior with derived parts not updating.


Pretty sure this is a bug.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi James,


Derive part not updating is absolutely a bug. Regarding the Model State out of sync between the model and the drawing, it is probably due to the fact that the Model State member doc is not yet generated. It should be at the time when the given Model State is referenced in the drawing. If you can find a persistent workflow leading to the behavior, please let us know asap.

In the meantime, you may consider starting a new assembly, and insert the component with each Model State active -> Save the files. This will guarantee the Model State member docs to be generated.

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Update 1-18-24: I figured out why my finishes weren't applying and it had to do with the wrong Appearance library being selected, added those finishes to my default selected library and problem solved, hopefully this helps someone that's been having that problem.


Model state problem is still here, now with Finishes, Raster View is the only way i can get around this, weird thing is i did this a week ago and the ISO view worked fine with finishes, now it doesn't, even when i go back to the other file it worked fine on.






Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! This seems to be a different problem. Somehow the appearance isn't propagated to the drawing view properly. If possible, please share the files in zip here or send it to me directly I would like to understand the behavior better.

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Thank you for the prompting!

I was even able to see the preview showing correctly when selecting a different Model State, but when I hit OK, it kept going back to [Primary].

I went to Replace Model Reference, and turns out it was pointing to a few different things...the wrong model state, and another was pointing to the wrong part file!

P.Eng. Mechanical Engineer
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Vault Pro 2025.1 (; Inventor Pro 2025.1.1 (241).