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I remember when Inventor Worked

Message 1 of 47
3808 Views, 46 Replies

I remember when Inventor Worked

Ok I remember the days when Inventor worked now not so much. One complaint getting from clients is the BOM

and Part list.


When I teach Inventor in the assembly I tell my clients to reorder the BOM in the assembly and when they go to do the drawing part list it will be in the correct order they wanted it to be.


Well this is no longer true and is very frustrating. They can spend 5 to 10 minutes reordering the BOM in the assembly just to find out they have to redo it in the drawing Part list.


I have notice my Don't add anything till you fix it is not the best idea any longer.


What I don't understand is we have a the opportunity to tell Autodesk we are not happy with thing not working when they did before. But yet votes for this lack.


Here is JPG's for you..




But now not correct

not correct.JPG


Now this is a small assembly but the next one he has to do has about 40 sub assemblies and 150 parts.


Please go vote for the bugs to be fixed before we add anything else...


Thanks for your support..







Message 21 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Final reply post for the above stated pics.


I wish I still had the ability to post pics within the post...ugh!

Message 22 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey jim,


 Yes like I stated 80% of the time it works in order for you to see it you would have to do it this way all the time till you see it. So far it has not done it again for my client. So far he said it is working.



I will keep you up dated

Message 23 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

Thanks Jim....ya just gotta love those non-repeatable glitches huh?

Message 24 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Yes Jim they are the hard ones to chase.


 I think some might have to starting Inventor maybe something forgot to click on or something.


I set up a VB program that will do this process and take screen shoots of the BOM and the part list over and over have it running all day today see what the results are tonight I will inform you.



Message 25 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

i think James is right.


even with all the feedback tings seem to be getting more off track.


we need basic stuff sorted, not shiny stuff added.


we see the same misguided behaviour from microsoft, adobe. outsourcing ??? focus on shareholders not users who pay hard earned cash for this stuff.


it seems the bigger the organisation becomes the more silly things become. how is it that little private businesses not for profit organisations can operate better than massive multi corporates.

best regards,
- Mark

(Kudo or Tag if helpful - in case it also helps others)

PDSU 2020 Windows 10, 64bit.

Message 26 of 47
in reply to: Mark_Wigan



I have the same view as James.


Inventor is a great tool for beginers. It's user friendly, easy to learn.... everything.


But when you staart to advance and use more and more thing, problems appear.


As  I see it, they are selling something and saying that it can do this, this and that, but when the bottom line is drawn you have problems with 30% of them, and you cannot use it as you like, but it looks good for marketing.


Slow down Autodesk. Do it right!

Message 27 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

I have to respectfully disagree with those statements on a few points.


One, AutoDesk, like everyone else knows full well, that it's the stuffed suits that sign the purchase checks and there has to be a bit of "flash" in order to get them to react like a dog seeing a squirrel. That's why you see those "flashy" canned demos at first. But in my experience with Pro/E, SW and Inventor, the Inventor presenters have always been able to go off script and field concerns and questions in real time and even walk thru them. Not the case with the other guys.


Now as far as the claims of Inventor being a beginners tool, Ummm...sorry but being on it since release 3, I don't consider myself a "beginner", nor do I use "beginner" commands. Honestly, I use the beginner commnads so infrequently that I have difficulty doing them whne I give training classes to actual beginners.


If you are having issues with advanced commands, look in the mirror first and find out what you might be doing wrong first. That's always been my approach. Problem is, few people can honestly do that and admit they might be doing something wrong or insist on the command working the way THEY want it to work as opposed to how it really does. Now, I'm not saying this is your case, but it is a reality, I've seen it many times.


Me being the type that'll misspell my own **** name, I always consider a different way of doing things. How many times have you seen a user attempt to create a radius, have it fail and then claim Inventor (or whatever CAD program) can't create radii? Consider there is at least about 3+ ways of doing each command in a program, if one doesn't work, try the others. Chances are it'll work.


Next is, please list what software programs out there on the market that work 100% every time..........................Beuller?................Beuller?


Inventor is far from perfect, but so is everything else out there. You learn to deal with the issues as best you can until a fix is done. As complicated and robust as these programs are, I think they do a pretty **** good job consider others I've seen with far less abilities.


In closing, I doubt you meant it as an insult to anyone, but I did find it rather insulting considering the time and effort I have in this program. It is far from being a "beginner's" tool.

Message 28 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Not to dredge this up, but I have to agree with Jim..All the complaining in the world isnt going to fix every last issue for every last user..

I lurk on this forum reading how IV doesnt do this or that like Solidworks, or AutoCAD, or whatever and have to laugh..It wouldnt matter if AutoDesk spent the next 3 releases of IV fixing every last issue that people have because someone, somewhere would complain about something..Until they come up with a program that reads your thought patterns and automatically creates models, drawings and parts lists, its the nature of the beast..

We all struggle with something Inventor does or doesnt do from time to time, and bitching about it is normal..I suggest we take a deep breath, and work on a solution to the problem instead of throwing up our hands and saying the software is a piece of crap...with the 6 gazillion ways that people are using Inventor, how would  YOU write a program to satisfy every one of them?

I use it to design some pretty complex stuff and it works pretty well for me..Beats the hell out of the alternative of doing it by hand, or even in AutoCad..Do I wish it would do things differently/faster/ yaddayadda sometimes?..You bet. Would I trade it for any other 3D modeling software out there?..hell no..


Message 29 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

You might check the default sort order, or the order it places parts into the parts list. You do know that inventor has a sort for its parts list and as long as your naming convention follows certain rules they can be sorted to order in about 3 seconds no matter how many parts you have. The bad part, if you use numbers 1 must be 01, 02, etc, or 001, 002 etc depending on the number of parts.

Message 30 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous




I know this isn't adding to the thread but I just wanted to comment a little.

I once worked with a guy who twice a day would come over to me, interrupt whatever I was doing just in hopes he found something Inventor couldn't do that Solidworks could. He was a new hire and insisted the company needed to rip out the 50+ seats of Inventor in favor of SW. It bugged him to no end that each time he attempted to claim Inventor couldn't do something SW could, I showed him how to actually do it in Inventor, he'd walk away ticked off and still claiming Inventor couldn't do it or his better claims "why doesn't Inventor do it like Solidworks?".


One of his main complaints was the ability to customize keys. If I recall at the time you could only customize the F keys and maybe a few regular keys. Then, the day our reseller and an Autodesk rep came in to demo the new release (I wanna say it was 2009), he actually sat there at the table and asked the rep why Inventor didn't customize the keys to the way HE wants them, out of the box. Yes, he literally wanted/expected Autodesk to consult him on what keys he wanted to do what with and this would be the default. He told them he didn't want to be bothered having to spend the time customizing his keys, that AutoDesk should know how he wanted them done.


I kid you not. All the reps thought he was joking, but we all knew he wasn't and he did nothing but complain about that the rest of the meeting. Trust me, there was no happier day in my assignment there than the day he put in his notice.

Message 31 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Yes, I could complain about lots of things about Inventor and how it should do it this way (and do 🙂 ), but they are trying to cover the vast majority of situations, not every little detail (customize your workflow). But I can say I am very satisfied with inventor overall and can usually get what I need done without help 95% of the time. Have been using it since 2005, so that helps. Some people get set in their ways and hate to take the time to learn new ones. Currently one of our engineers thinks 3D modeling in Autocad is better than Inventor and another thinks Autocad is better (because this is all they know). After years of using Inventor I hate having to do things in Autocad now, so complex and painstaking now it seems. So it isn't pefect, but I don't have $20,000 per seat to use Tekla Structure software. Want it all done for you, gotta pay for it.

Message 32 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Well done Jim, your patience is far greater than mine.


All software have their flaws, we were just talking about the differences between SWx and Inventor today at work since we run both. In this instance SWx was struggling to do what Inventor does with ease. Sometimes though it is the other way around. I think Inventor is more flexible overall and based on my experience most users that make the transition prefer it (not all though). It is all the little subtleties that add up. Anyway, I have been using Inventor for years at an advanced level and there isn't much that it can't handle. Most of the time these comments are based on a lack of training or asking the wrong people.


 How about we quit the whining and keep this a constructive forum?


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Stew, AICP
Inventor Professional 2013, Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2013
Windows 7 x64 Core i7 32GB Ram FX2000
Message 33 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous


That sounds like a few people I have worked with over the years..I was helping a company transition to Inventor once from Mechanical..In training, one of the guys was bitching about having to create sub assemblies rather than one top level assembly for his project. I tried repeatedly to teach him the best way to use subs, model parts, etc..When I left there he was still using Mechanical, refusing to use Inventor because "it sucked" went back there 2 years later and his boss was telling me they had sent him for training 2 more times, and he has only marginal skills using Inventor. He hadnt completed a single project without significant help since I was there originally..Some people just dont want to learn, and are only kept around because they know where the bodies are buried..


Message 34 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

I think it's that some people CAN'T learn, and it's not because they are not intelligent. Example: One of our clients is an ivy league university that has a particle accelerator. They have many seats of Inventor and model everything. I've trained many of their users, and some are double PHD physicists...These guys are super smart but there were a few who had trouble with basic modeling, and one in particular who took a basic class twice, yet never mastered even fundamental modeling skills yet he was a fantastic theoretical physicist..So there you go!

Message 35 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous


That university wouldnt happen to be located in Central NY, would it?..Smiley LOL
Brilliant people, as you said..but sometimes you just have to

We have a couple particle accelerators here..I do design work for them.



Message 36 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

No comment


Smiley Wink

Message 37 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

Hey all just trying to catch up read some post and some of you all just don't get it.


Not sure how long most of you used Inventor but I have been using it from Inventor 3 I did not mess with 1 or 2 played with them but to new so never went into design with it.


Then I received a call to come play with it for Autodesk at which time I did. Learned a a lot of internal things with it.

More then the show you.


But anyway Inventor was the best I would praise it almost as if it was a god (but not). I fought with the Solid works guys and proved a lot of them wrong when they said things about Inventor to a point I would devote my life on proving them wrong and did many times.


Now some say there will be someone that will still say something about solid works and Inventor not having it.


I don't care I about that, what I care about is the direction they are moving with Inventor and not maintaining the stableness of it.


If I wanted what Solid works has I would just start using it not complain Inventor don't have it.


Inventor was fast stable if you had your system set up right (video cards being clue here). Never did I have the issues I have now that they changed the Interface and I mean never. But from day one of this new Interface nothing but bugs and I mean lots of them.


Plus with this new Interface they have added extra clicks many many extra clicks to a point I rather go back to Auto Cad. Just so you know for me to say that is hell freezing over. When I started with Inventor I refused to ever go back to it or even use it. I would walk out of job interviews if they did not have Inventor.


As of now I do not promote Inventor and when asked I tell them to stick with what they have. This has cost Autodesk about 250 seats of Inventor not much so they don't care.


There are so many thing I could point out but I really don't care any longer I have start a new 3D software and looking very promising (still in Inventor for now) when I finish my testing and if I feel it is good to go I have about 315 seats I will change over from Inventor. If not I will stay with Inventor and just throw things at it till I do find one.


But here is the deal if you all don't vote for Don't add anything, the bugs will be more and more. I am not the type to pay for something that they claim and it is not what they claim I will sound off...........


All I ask is for them to step back and evaluate what I have to say trust me no one is faster than I am many have tried many have failed.


Even Autodesk reps tell Inventor owners to call me when they need help. I have 4 right now begging for my help because Autodesk has no clue and sent them to me.


But there I have more but I am done. I was not going to comment but someone told me that people are posting things that have no idea what I am talking about.


Good luck guys I may see you again and I may not depends on Autodesk..


(long rant sorry for being all over the place I am just very very upset about this)

Message 38 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

I think it's time to start over. The softwares foundation is too old.

It needs an updated kernel with multicore support. It needs to be written from the ground up with PDM in mind.

Message 39 of 47
in reply to: Anonymous

Somewhat interesting point, but like the IdeaStation item its a little vague - make *what* multi-threaded?  "Everything" isn't going to happen since not every operation can be processed that way.  Like the Olympic Men's 4x100 relay event, it doesn't matter if runners are on parallel tracks; the next runner can't get started until the previous one gets to him.  With a little forethought it can be detailed out a little, which means those people screening the ideas don't have to do a whole lot of legwork and checking to see if its already implemented behind the scenes, or if its technically feasible.


To be blunt, "No improvements/fix all bugs" is a nice idea but isn't realistic from either a business or development perspective.  Not adding anything will cause another set of users to complain that AutoDesk isn't listening to the users (e.g. "Make everything multi-threaded"), doesn't care what users think, and so on.  From a techincal standpoint, a bug in a part of the program which is slated to be completely replaced in a couple of years (replacing code which is obsolete, or would prevent certification for a new OS), would be a waste of limited resources and leave development further behind against a constantly moving (and accelerating) technology target.


That being said, the current intersection of hardware, software, OS, and current UI development could be enough to justify the starting point for a nearly ground-up rewrite.  Older parts may require a complete rewrite; newer parts may only require minor modifications but could require major surgery to account for the other changes.  It would add several features, and would fix some bugs through code fixes or outright removal of the offending section, but as with anything complex additional problems would be created to replace them.  It could also very well require migrating current Inventor stock to a new format.  This would also require a great deal of patience on the part of the end users - such a task would be years in the offing.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 40 of 47
in reply to: jletcher

Hey there Jim,


Just wanted to apologize, I feel like I may have hi-jacked your thread with my rant about Inventor vs SW.

it wasn't my intent.

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