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I'm stuck on an assembly constraint issue


I'm stuck on an assembly constraint issue


Alright so I'm designing a gear reducer for a class of mine. Everything is going pretty smoothly. I first designed the synchronous pulleys, then all the gears. I constrained them to work plains and axes. They work find. Then I designed the shafts, and that was also fine. Here's where the issues began. The gears/pulleys have keyways that are keyed to the respective shafts. It was when I got to the 3rd shaft(the one with the steel 16 tooth gear and cast iron 44 tooth gear. Here was the process(By the way, everything was rotating fine before this point):

1. I designed the keyways in the SHAFT

2. I edited the 2 gears manually by sketching in and extrude cutting out key ways.

After this point, I exited editing the gears, but now the whole assembly is lock. Some of you might say, "well, why don't you undo your way backwards until the extrusions are gone?". For some reason, the undo button was greyed out and I couldn't Ctrl+Z backwards. A hint is that every time I try to rotate any of the shaft, the "angle contraint" shows up? I attached a screen cap showing the constraint icon that pops up. Thank you.


EDIT: I also want to note that the origin axial planes of the shaft are not constrained to the gear axial origin planes. They were just rotating freely independent of each other before I designed in the gear key ways. 


EDIT 2: I designed this in Inventor 2020. 


screen cap.PNG

Accepted solutions (1)
5 Replies
Replies (5)


@mason_z_chen wrote:

Alright so I'm designing a gear reducer for a class of mine.

Your instructor should have taught you that an assembly must have parts.

In Inventor, parts are of the form *.ipt files.

Without those parts, the assembly file *.iam is useless.


>I can't attach the individual files of the assembly due to file number limit...


Put ALL of the files into a folder.

Right click on the folder and select Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder and attach the resulting *.zip file here.


(Set your subassembly to Flexible.)

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional


Thank you sir, this is my first question on this forum so I have much to learn. I'll edit my post and attach the zip file. I used Inventor 2020 by the way. 



You update your zip file to include SOME of the Inventor parts included in the assembly but you miss a lot more.  These are the only parts of your assembly you zip file contains.


Inventor Parts.jpg


To make sure you get all parts of your assembly, you need to either find your top level assembly in Windows File Explorer or in the Open dialog box of Inventor.  Then you right click on the assembly and choose Pack and Go.  This will look like the follow screen capture.  Fill in your destination for your files, check the shown boxes and the routine will gather all assemblies, parts, etc for you.  Zip these up and send them along.


Pack and Go Right Click.jpg

Pack and Go Utility Screen.jpg

John Hackney, Retired
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Accepted solution

When you edited the spur gear to create the keyway did you by any chance project geometry from the shaft? I ask this because one of the spur gears is showing as being adaptive in the browser and I suspect this is where your problem lies. Try RMB clicking on the adaptive spur gear and untick ADAPTIVE. It's the spur with the red and blue arrows around it in the browser.

Autodesk Certified Professional


I did project geometry and yes indeed, turning off adaptive solved the problem. Thank you so much!