as the content center cannot be used to store assemblies, we store smaller "assemblies" such as hinges and cilinders in the vault. In order not to have to download every cilinder from the suplier I've created several I-parts of cilinder models, using the data downloaded from our supplier. Now when i want to use a cilinder in an assembly, i just have to place the i-part and select the required stroke of the cilinder. This works fine and has been working well for some time now.
However, i now receive the error message "failed to read table" when trying to place this I-assembly in my new assembly. Since my work depends a lot on I-parts, i need to know the following:
- what happened? (the part itself has not been edited in any way)
- can this be fixed?
- what are the odds of this happening again to other I-parts / I-assemblies i have created?
I've notices inventor sometimes behaves "odd" which can be solved by restarting inventor, but this didn't help.
Best regards,
IV2009 SP2/ Vault2009