@Anonymous wrote:
This question I am asking you to confirm. If we want to drive particular part in IAM file. 1st we must stop it by moving by constraint it.
In YouTube I have seen 3 constraint to stop a part moving. Is this a usual case?
Hi fiatnm,
I would say it is not always the case that an assembly must be fully constrained in order to drive it, however it is usually the case that we do fully constrain it, as doing so will provide the most predictable results.
Often we might want to drive a constraint to show motion, but also be able to click and drag on a part to show motion too. In those cases we apply a constraint to be driven, and then we suppress that constraint. This allows the "click and drag" motion, and then we can still drive the suppressed constraint when needed.
I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,