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Custom property format number property type with trailing zeros

Message 1 of 9
751 Views, 8 Replies

Custom property format number property type with trailing zeros

Looking at how to add trailing zeros to a Number property type when using it in the custom iproperties.


we use master models that are then copied and modified as needed but when they are setup with parameters to be exported and it is a whole number then no decimal places are included in the custom iproperty whioch cuases issues when the copied part paramters change to have a decimal value but the link to the custom iproperty doesnt pick up the desimal and just rounds it to the nearest number which is not accurate, you have to go back to the custom property format window and set it up again with the new decimal, is there a way this can be avoided so it automatically picks them up, using trailing zeros would do it if they can be enabled on a number property type.  


Capture trailing zeros.JPG


i know that i can add trailing zeros if i change it to text property type but this cuases issue elsewhere in vualt and importing so want to keep it as number.




Message 2 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous



Welcome to the forum...


I would recommend for you to create a screencast ( and show us your workflow and the results you're getting.

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.

Message 3 of 9
in reply to: Mark.Lancaster

Ok will look at doing that 


although im basically just looking for a way to add trailing zeros to the number, as you can see in the screen shot the trailing zero tick box is faded out when on a number property type

Message 4 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Although you provided a screen shot, the information is really unreadable...  Yes I can see the option is faded out but the rest of the dialog/information is way too small to determine what you have already configured and etc...   So that's why I recommended for you to do a screencast of your workflow...

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.

Message 5 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Something's not right, but, as Mark pointed out, your screenshot is too blurry to really make out what you're doing. You should be able to set a numeric parameter to export with trailing zero's.
Mike (not Matt) Rattray

Message 6 of 9
in reply to: mrattray

here it is in full size


Capture trailing zeros.JPG

Message 7 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

I understand better, now. You can't add trailing zeroes to a numeric property because it's an actual value.
I tried replicating the steps you described in your initial post, but I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. I had no loss of precision in my exported property.
I think Mark's suggestion of providing a screen cast showing exactly what you're doing to cause this issue would be the best way to pinpoint the problem.
Mike (not Matt) Rattray

Message 8 of 9
in reply to: mrattray


quick screencast showing the issue when i setup a custom property format with a whole number but later change it to a decimal value and it doesnt pick up the decimal places as there are no trailing zeros, don't want to have to do it manually like i did at the end as its hugely time consiming on large models and easy to miss. 

Message 9 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

OK, following the exact steps you have in your Screencast I'm able to reproduce the issue. I suggest forwarding it to tech support as a bug. In the mean time, I have a work around:
Instead of using the export function try using an iLogic snippet to create and update the required properties. I've tested this and it appears to not be affected by this updating issue. Here's a sample:


iProperties.Value("Custom", "length") = length
Mike (not Matt) Rattray

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