Welcome to the community and hopefully my (or someone else) reply will be beneficially to you.
Since you’re new to the community I just wanted to inform you this is a worldwide (public) user forum where users are assisting others. For any future postings you may do, please do not include any personal information (such as your serial #) in anything that you share (including screen shots & attachments) with us.
You may get a better results if you tell us what you are trying to download and not just say software download help. Autodesk has many products/version. You said you signed up last year, signed up for what, a student account?
Ahyhow, click on the “installation” link in my signature and follow the recommended steps that are provided in that posting. Make sure to review all of the acceptable solutions (marked in green) since these steps will change over time.
For example the most recent solution now includes a link to the major 2017 product line making it easier for the end user to download/install the latest version of the software.
If your installation does fail after these recommended steps
• Review this posting: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/installation-licensing/how-to-determine-errors-in-installation-log-file/m-p/5283115
• If that doesn’t help, attach your installation log file here in a text file format and someone will review it for you. You can also locate your installation log file based on this posting: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Using-log-to-troubleshoot-installation-errors.html
• When attaching your installation log file make sure that any personal information such as your serial # is removed.
Good luck on your installation and hopefully this information will resolve your issue.
Mark Lancaster
& Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider
Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee
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