Seems Autodesk has replaced a couple of MSI based installs with .adix files. Specifically acad.adix and acadlp.adix. This appears to be a renamed APPX file which is a Microsoft installer that is supposed to install files to C:\Program Files\WindowsApps. But somehow the installer is redirecting the files to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2023.
There is no documentation on how to script the ADIX file installs from the command line.
It looks like these files are installed using routines from an adixhandler.dll and then a separate program called AcNGEN.exe is either registering the .NET assemblies or installing them to the GAC as a separate process.
Creating these kind of custom installers with no documentation doesn't seem to be very helpful and seems to be making the patches very large because they have to send out an entirely new adix file even if only a few files are changing.