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Options for Bridge End Treatments

Options for Bridge End Treatments

Options for multiple types of end treatment styles for bridges and overpasses are required.


Better visual treatment of the end of road/earth headslope. Often when the road meets the bridge the earth is sliced off perpendicular to the road.

If the piers can be skewed then why not the headslopes.


There should be options like skewing the fills, controling the headslope grades, headslope materials (concrete,RipRap, earth, etc), Square or rounded corners.



Also differnt types of retaining walls (CIP, MSE, etc) with variable alignment and wingwall angles/lengths are required with several different material patterns.


Status changed to: Accepted

These are all very good points.  In some cases, as shown in the image below, users can create their own parametric abutment models (see Project Kameleon on labs that now supports the creation of Inventor based parametric abutments, girders sections, piers and foundations).


In general though, the solution will require refinements in the modeling of the grading and, to the modeling of various retaining wall types in InfraWorks. 


All of this is in our plans.




PM InfraWorks / Bridges




Not applicable

Do we have a solution for the MSE walls and modeling of the grading next to that in the newest release? I am trying to model something that loos like bridge_abutments.jpg in the post above but I can't.




Community Visitor

I’m trying to make structural cloverleaf interchange.. but facing some issues.

1. Trying to connect proposed bridge to existing bridge through Structural loop & ramp..

2. It’s creates automatic intersection and cut down two way road from median.. 


kindly help me out to solve this..

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