I am currently doing some contract design work for a furniture company and am trying to get them on board with Fusion 360 because there other software is very out of date. However, I am struggling with this because I cannot find a post processor for their machine. I have found some post processors that are kind of similar but still require a heavy amount of editing to get them to function. I would love to be able to utilize Fusion 360 to design and manufacture parts for this company because it would help them save a lot of time and money. If there is anyone out there that could help with this it would be greatly appreciated!
P.s. I know there have been a few requests for morbidelli posts on the message boards but I haven't seen any results. If you need anymore information please feel free to reach out to me via email-rlindsey1505@gmail.com and I will provide you with as much information as I can get.
Thank you!