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Tabs in 2D Contour

Tabs in 2D Contour

We had to make some 3/8" thick parts out of large ground 7075-T6 plates a few months ago, and making manual tabs for these parts (no way to hold in a vise, no sacrificial stock big enough, etc) was agonizing.


Tabs already exists in Fusion 360, and I believe InvHSM as well, and even though I don't see myself using it a lot, I have seen other requests for it and there are times it would be useful. This is a bog standard option in most CAM systems, and it should be in HSMWorks too.


Only once they have been improved. Plunging back into the job on the back side of the tab isn't pretty.


First of all let me say I'm peeved I can't reply to and quote @scottmoyse in the Ideas section.


So how would this be improved? Serious question, I don't see a good way around if if there are tabs involved, perhaps a Profile Ramp entry?


I was just struggling with these parts, the plunge action wasn't really a big deal going through .031" of aluminum, and HSMWorks didn't have any solutions for me out of the box. It took me and an engineer (who sketched all the tabs tolerably while I had to work on other things) hours to get three plates programmed, including messing with retract heights to keep the tool above the tabs but not all the way off the part during the final pass. If I had been using Fusion 360 it would have been minutes making 2D Contour with tabs.

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Tabs would be neat!


In the meantime, I got around them by using 2D Contour, ramping down into a cut with the height set to +0.005 above the stock bottom. Of course, I worked all the inside surfaces first, before contouring around the part for outside wall access, chamfered the top, finished the wall and finally used a 1/8" endmill to make the final holding web.


Fun Fact: over the run of about 100 sets, you can feel the webbing get thinner after the first 10 or so, as the spindle grows ever so slightly due to heat buildup, even after a machine warmup before tool-setting. 

@Anonymous about your fun fact. Assuming you are talking about your robodrill there, I'm pretty sure that the difference in height you notice mostly is the tool/holder growing. Because if your spindle warms up so does your collet which means the tool goes in further and you won't see much length difference. I've had the same idea as you have but tested it on the machines and actually measured the difference in spindle length and that's within 0.005mm on our machines.



Let's not forget ball screw growth over lots of z-axis movement. 😉

@Steinwerks But that usually is upwards in the Z-axis.

Not always depending on the machine, but usually designed to be upwards. 

Depends where the screw is anchored.
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@Laurens-3DTechDraw So I was considering your theory on tool/toolholder growth... but than I remembered something- I use a different endmill for this operation than I do all my other 1/8" endmill work (when it comes to web cutting duty, I take the rattiest one I've got and put it on the job). So the only time in the cycle it gets used is for this Op... 20 seconds of use for about 5 minutes of cooling in the turret.


I mean, not that this matters, but it is an interesting thought experiment/exercise to figure out where the growth would be coming from!


@al.whatmough Any word on this? Running those same parts again for the university Formula SAE team. 


It's not something that is in the works right now, sorry.


We have prioritized, wrap, probe and turning UX as the to things to work on in regards to getting things for fusion to HSMworks.

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I'm disappointed HSMWorks has not prioritized tabs as a feature in contours. Mastercam does this seamlessly; I assumed this was a basic feature of all professional CAM packages.


I work at a design firm and also run our machine shop. We just switched to HSM after using Mastercam for YEARS. We routinely use tabs to contour complex 2D shapes out of sheet stock. We will spend a LOT of extra time working around this.


I hope you can get around to adding this!


I have archived this one as it is unlikely to make it into HSMWorks in the near term.  While it seems simple, this is a UX heavy task that is more difficult to complete in HSMWorks and as a result, has been prioritized below other work in HSMWorks.

Status changed to: Archived

Well that sucks.

@Steinwerks Understand your feeling but I do understand the decision from a development point as well.

At least we know what the status is. That's better than keeping anxious. 




I don't understand the perspective of parity failure.


I'm not anxious about this, but I bet others are and are disappointed to see that they cannot expect feature homogeneity across platforms. Too much of that and it will seem like market segmentation and/or biased product prioritization. Not saying that's what it is, but what it will look like to some.


@Steinwerks I completely understand the feeling.  Our goal here is to communicate as transparently as possible.  The features that manipulation in the graphics area will always lag in HSMWorks and in some case not be completed there.  For probing for example we found a way to deliver a workflow in HSMWorks that while not is refined, provides the needed support.


The truth is, we can't let limitations of our SolidWorks based implementation hold back a better experience in the Autodesk based ones.  


Fair point but a little leniency should be given since Inventor and Fusion 360 are from Autodesk so they can add features to the CAD side which they can't on the HSMWorks/SolidWorks side. So there will be a time were a brilliant addition to Fusion or Inventor HSM will not come to the other products. So while I don't think this should be such a case. We all know it will happen at some point if the SolidWorks API is exhausted and HSM goes beyond.


And there are so many parity failures from HSMWorks->Inventor HSM that we shouldn't all start complaining when Inventor HSM->HSMWorks has one too. But I agree on the point we shouldn't give up on parity because it takes more time than we would like.


That was the general talk. Me personally I'm all for other stuff above this one. Like Tool Library 2.0, Machine configurations, blend. But that is a very personal thing and of course, I can't say this is true for the majority of people. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

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I also would like to see "tabs" eventually getting to HSMWorks. At first I thougth it was a bug or something, but now I understand after seeing this thread.

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Really disappointed this hasn't been added even though it's been promised several times for years. We're probably going to have to give up on HSMWorks since so much time is wasted making tabs manually.

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