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Why is My Slot Cam Mechanism Not Working

Message 1 of 21
879 Views, 20 Replies

Why is My Slot Cam Mechanism Not Working



I have created a slot and pin type cam follower mechanism, depicted in the image 1. There are 3 components in the assembly:

  1. A ground plane
  2. A bolt carrier
  3. A bolt inside the bolt carrier

I have created a slider as-built joint between the bolt-carrier and the ground plane and a cylindrical as-built joint between the bolt-carrier and the bolt. I have enabled contact sets and added the 3 components to the set.


On the side of the bolt there is a pin (part of the bolt) and on the same side of the bolt-carrier there is an angled slot.


Now according to my expectations, when I move the bolt-carrier forward, after hitting the ground-plane's perpendicular extrusion, the bolt should rotate clockwise because the the pin following the slotted-cam. But that is NOT happening. Moving the bolt-carrier backwards the bolt-carrier and bolt move back as expected but only when I move them forward and hit the upward extruded ground plane, the bolts stop.


Why is the bolt not rotating as per the slotted-cam and pin mechanism is my question.


File attached.


My system (office, light workload laptop):

i3 10th gen


No graphics card

256 GB NVMe SSd


Fusion 360 for hobbyists.

Screenshot 2023-10-01 222252.png


Screenshot 2023-10-01 222348.png



Labels (2)
Message 21 of 21

Sir after watching the video and @jhackney1972's method (by going through the design history in the attached file) I have found both the procedures to be little bit similar in that they both have the "sweep along a path" cut to make the slot. This has worked out for me and I'm marking this as the answer so that others can know both the methods.

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