Suggestions for improving the parameters dialog


Suggestions for improving the parameters dialog


I use parameters for all my models. However, there are many things about the parameters dialog box and other nuances of parameter use that are inefficient, annoying, or problematic. I just want to list as many as I can think of here in the hopes that improvements will be made.


1. Make the parameter dialog non-modal.


The parameter dialog is modal and I have to open and close it constantly. When I change a single value for a parameter the model recomputes and redraws right away. This implies that there is no reason to have a modal dialog. Please let me pin the parameter dialog and position it as a sidebar.


2. Allow changing type of user parameter.


a) The type of a parameter cannot be changed. While I understand this if the parameter is already being used, it does not make sense when I have just created it. I often create several user parameters one after another. Often one of them is some kind of a count. When I go to use it I realize that I let it default to length. Instead of just changing the type I have to delete it and recreate it. That includes adding any comments I might have added during creation.


b) In addition, unlike every other application I use, when I tab to the next field (Unit) after typing the name of the parameter, it does not provide any indication that I am in that field. Normal applications open the drop down menu when you tab into the field.


c) Making the lack of indication that I am in the unit field (which has the default unit selected), unlike other dropdown implementations that show the current selection at the top of the list, this shows the selection in place. That isn't the problem by itself, but when I tab into the field and use the down arrow to find what I want, in this case being I have to use the up arrow. It is just not as easy and intuitive as it could be. Just show the dropdown open when tabbing into the field will fix b) and c).


3. Provide a shortcut key for adding a user parameter.


Adding a number of parameters one after another is awkward because I have to grab the mouse and select "add user parameter" before each one. It would be much more efficient to just use a key to add another.


My preferred solution would be to allow add in place in the table, like I can do to change parameter fields. Just keep and empty row at the top of the table and let me type into it to add a parameter and when I tab past the comment field add a new empty row with the cursor ready to add another.


4. Provide a shortcut key to filter.


Many application use '/' as a shortcut that jumps to the search field so the user can enter the search/filter term. I think that would be a good choice, although in this case it might need to be something that cannot be entered in any parameter field.


5. Provide a shortcut key to clear the filter.


Escape could work I, but it closes the dialog (which I do accidentally way to often). If the parameters dialog was non-modal then escape would not close it.


6. Allow creating user parameters when entering values during design.


Currently I can name a parameter when providing a value during design "box_height=32", and then I can use it as a value for another item. The problem is, after naming a feature parameter I can't easily convert it to a user parameter if I need to do so.


7. Remember my sort order and when I reopen the parameters dialog apply it.


a) Until there is some kind of user parameter grouping and/or manual ordering the only easy way to find parameters is to sort by name or filter. The first thing I do when I open the dialog is sort by name. I just want it to stay that way.


b) An even better solution would be to allow creating named groups of parameters. This is already implemented for components. They are named and hierarchical with sketches and features. Let me add user parameters to a component. Let me created named groups to collect user parameters with a related purpose.


This should be a good start, and something for others to comment on.


5 Replies
Replies (5)


I wish for a parameter window where you can set the size of columns, even virtually hide some of the columns, to limit widow size and when the window is closed, it reopens with the same last setting. I open parameters to make changes, close them, evaluate my change, and open them again. I also wish for the window to be able to hide the rows not chosen by the Star priority to show on the top end of the window. I agree with the originator of the subject. For me, the parameter dialog is not user friendly.


You can set the size of the columns, they just do not always stay that size when the dialog is opened again.

Hello, thank you for your reply. The columns never stay set on my Mac and never have stayed set. Moreover, all the rows are always shown. Being able to control column width and which rows to show would be a big help.
Just having the row stars selected is not sufficient.

Yes to all of these, especially the sort order of the parameters. Brutal that it defaults to the order entered every time you go into that box. Should be a simple fix to remember the last order.


Some of the changes that would help are very easy to implement. It would be nice if Autodesk would do so.

1. remember current sort order

2. remember column sizes as set by user

3. do not close parameter dialog when user hits enter while entering a search string.

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